I had the opportunity to review several CD’s from Mediak under their “religious” category. Boy was my family in for a treat!!! Throughout the next few days, I will write reviews for each 11 CD’s that I received.

Each CD is personalized with a child’s name. There are over 2000 names to choose from. I received a personalized CD for each of my kiddos. Jesus Loves You, Personalized CD Collection was the CD with Bubs’ name. You should see his face light up when he hears his name throughout this CD.
I especially like the Bible songs that the Jesus Loves You CD has on it. Many of the songs are used in the ABCJLM curriculum. Also, the CD uses the child’s name in the verse John 3:16 which is an excellent way to make the important verse personal and would help in memorizing the verse.
The music is well accompanied. Adults are the main singers but children’s voices are also used. The singers on are key. The child’s name is used strategically throughout the CD. I felt like it was a good amount to keep the kids listening but it wasn’t over done. Truly, there isn’t enough time to write all of the wonderful points about this CD. You can listen to excerpts of this CD here.
I highly suggest this personalized CD for children ages birth to elementary age. This CD would make a wonderful gift for a new baby, Christmas, birthday, or baby dedication!
Momma C Rating – *****