We all want our children to grow up with good character. We want others to like them, and we want to like our children! Naturally, we teach them traits like honesty, compassion, and generosity. As Teacher Created Materials shares: With the many varied messages children see in the media and in their associations, we can’t expect them to merely ...
Rules Needed to Raise Kind Kids
If I polled the ABCJesusLovesMe and Parenting to Impress families, I believe 100% would say they desire their children to be kind. But if you've spent more than a few hours with a toddler or a teen, you know that kindness isn’t always natural. So, what does it take to raise kind children? Is it about the rules you set in your home? You know—the ...
Empowering Healthy Independence in Your Children
There’s a famous parenting quote that states: “Never do for a child what he can do for himself.” This idea makes me think of the parent who carries her child’s backpack to school or makes a teenager’s lunch daily. While it’s easy to do these things out of love, I often wonder if we’re truly loving our kids the best way possible when we do all the ...
Simple Steps to Starting a Family Bible Time
Let’s do some shocking math for a moment. If your family goes to church for three hours a week, that only accounts for 1.8% of your entire week. While those three hours in corporate worship are vital, we can't hold the church responsible for the spiritual growth of our children. We must bring God's Word into our homes. Family Bible time is one more ...
Does Your Home Have Structure? Here’s How to Tell
A listener to the Parenting to Impress podcast, raised an insightful question: “How do I know if my home has structure? Is there a right or wrong amount?” Structure seems abstract, but I believe there are a few hints to gauge your family's structure. And be sure to read until the end, where I offer guidance for parents who are providing structure ...
Teaching Respect in Your Home: A Biblical Perspective
As a parent, you’ve probably wondered how to instill respect in your children—especially when you notice them showing more respect to others than to you. It’s a common struggle, and one that Jessica, a listener of our Parenting to Impress podcast, recently asked about. After viewing the Grace and Truth Discipline video series, she noticed that her ...
How Do You Teach Kids to Pray?
As parents and teachers, we know that teaching children to pray is one of our most important roles. But for many of us, prayer is difficult in our own lives, and the idea of teaching it to our children feels like one more to-do on our very long list. But what if we choose to see prayer as a beautiful invitation to connect and communicate with ...
What’s a Christian to Do with the Enneagram?
I find the brain fascinating. How God created each person beautifully unique, yet with similar traits, is humbling and amazing. That's probably why I have enjoyed learning about personalities. It has helped me understand myself, work with others, and better parent my kids. My favorite personality resource is the Enneagram. This guide became ...
Creative Ways to Celebrate a Child’s Salvation {Free Printables}
Helping a child embrace Jesus as their Savior brings great joy to a parent or teacher. It's a pivotal moment where, with child-like faith, the child acknowledges his or her sins and seeks forgiveness (Romans 10:9-10). Indeed, there's no greater celebration than when a lost soul finds its way to Jesus (Luke 15:10). It's a day worth cherishing and ...
Unlocking the Secrets of Godly Families
Have you ever looked at a family and wondered what they are doing at home? You know there is something special happening because you see that their kids are respectful, obedient, and helpful. It’s like they’ve tapped into some secret sauce of parenting! Well, I’m excited to invite you to revisit one of our most popular Parenting to Impress ...