We all want our children to grow up with good character. We want others to like them, and we want to like our children! Naturally, we teach them traits like honesty, compassion, and generosity. As Teacher Created Materials shares: With the many varied messages children see in the media and in their associations, we can’t expect them to merely ...
Does Your Home Have Structure? Here’s How to Tell
A listener to the Parenting to Impress podcast, raised an insightful question: “How do I know if my home has structure? Is there a right or wrong amount?” Structure seems abstract, but I believe there are a few hints to gauge your family's structure. And be sure to read until the end, where I offer guidance for parents who are providing structure ...
Unlocking the Secrets of Godly Families
Have you ever looked at a family and wondered what they are doing at home? You know there is something special happening because you see that their kids are respectful, obedient, and helpful. It’s like they’ve tapped into some secret sauce of parenting! Well, I’m excited to invite you to revisit one of our most popular Parenting to Impress ...
The What and How of Parenting One-Liners [Free Printable]
If asked what the most beneficial tool in my parenting toolbox is, I would say - without any hesitation, "One-Liners." These pre-scripted, parenting quotes have been instrumental in training my children. And parents and teachers continue to echo my sentiments as they have also seen these short phrases transform their homes and ...
Are You Plucking to Sew?
Parenting in the Franz house is emotionally arduous right now. Bubs (age 16) is driving to school, starting a part-time job, and spreading his wings more and more. When did the little boy who was the inspiration for ABCJesusLovesMe evolve into a man? A friend shared the above image on Facebook and I requested her permission to share it ...
Stop the Hop
Have you heard the phrase "church hopping"? It is the same idea as "diet hopping." It comes from the thought that if the church or diet doesn't immediately give you the results that you desire, you try another hoping the next option will be the magic pill to fix the problem. Here's another one for you... Discipline Hopping Discipline ...
Do You Have a Parenting Plan Based on the Bible?
Last week the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook groups were filled with discipline and parenting questions. A lot of why's and how's were discussed. My heart breaks for so many of you because discipline used to be "easy." When a child deliberately disobeyed, a consequence followed. Then, through an evolution of minds, the line got wavy and suddenly ...
How to Get Your Child to Pick Up Toys
How many times have you asked your child to pick up their toys to simply have your request ignored? More than you can count? Maturity vs Heart When this occurs, I encourage you to ask yourself the following question. Is my child not picking up the toys because of a maturity or heart issue? In other words, is it that they can't or ...
What Rules Should I Have in My Home?
I believe if I had a heart-to-heart conversation with everyone in the ABCJesusLovesMe family and those who faithfully read this blog, 100% of you would say that you desire to raise children who obey. Sadly with the mixed messages from society and social media, the process to obtain this goal can be very confusing. I love that ABCJLM and this ...
How to “Grow” a Child
I am in "spring" mode. Over half of my garden is planted. The flower pots around the house overflow with little flowers. I anxiously await the joy that will come from the juicy produce and gorgeous display of color. Raising Seeds A friend posted this verse (pictures above) on Facebook. It immediately caused me to think about the work ...