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I fell in love with this poem I found on a coloring sheet that Sweet Pea and Little Man did at church. What a great way to share the birth of Jesus with little children!
Look at the Candy Cane, what do you see?
Stripes that are red like the blood shed for me
White is for my Savior Who’s sinless and pure!
“J” is for Jesus My Lord, that’s for sure!
Turn it around and a staff you will see
Jesus my shepherd was born for Me!
–Author Unknown
To introduce this poem and activity read: The Candymaker’s Gift: The Legend of the Candy Cane
I have created two printable to correlate with this poem.
Candy Cane Coloring Sheet
Print the worksheet. Finger paint every other stripe red.
Candy Cane Printable
Print, cut apart, and attach with a ribbon to a real candy cane. Add to any gift or use as favors at parties or Christmas gatherings.
See more Candy Cane ideas on the ABCJesusLovesMe website.

Discover more Christmas books, traditions, crafts, free printables, recipes, and ideas on the ABCJesusLovesMe website to keep Jesus the Reason for the Season!