It has been one of those days and I just NEED something. I don’t know what it is but the craving it HUGE. I want it NOW. Oh I know what I need…I think. I sink myself – eyes, teeth, ears, body – into it and it is wonderful. But what is this? That didn’t do it? I want more. Or is this a new need?
Can you relate?
I love the picture above. Although I am not a huge chocolate fan (yes, I know that isn’t human), the look on this lady’s face is priceless. She has a craving and she is filling the hole…at least for a few seconds.
God must really be wanting me to get this concept (past blog) because He brought it up again in a topic from Beth Moore’s video series from the Living Beyond Yourself: Exploring the Fruit Of The Spirit Bible study that really hit home with me. She states, “We were created with a desire to be full.” We want a full belly, full closet, full calendar. With this desire, we keep hoping the next thing will “fill” us. We grab a snack at the drive-through of McDonalds, we buy more clothes, we plan more activities into our day to try and fill the hole inside of us. Because these are all temporal things, we aren’t satisfied and so we buy more, eat more, do more.
Understand that an extra snack here and there, or a new shirt or activity isn’t terrible. It’s when the desire takes over. When the craving turns into needing excess. Beth Moore says, “Any craving that we have in excess is a crying out for God. Excess is us wanting to feel different.”
Wow…what am I trying to force into my God’s shaped hole?