This post has been updated and the daily prayers for yourself is now available as a free printable.
We pray for others, but do we prayers for ourselves? There are many characteristics that I desire to flow from my life, so why not add them to my daily quiet time? These would also be wonderful verses to pray over a friend who is hurting as well.
That my attitude toward people and circumstances in my life would glorify God. (Heb. 4:12)
That my thought life be honoring to the Lord. (Phil. 4:8)
That I fight selfishness in my life and work at serving the Lord in everything I do. (I Sam. 12:20, 24; Eph. 6:7)
That when I’m called to serve God in an area I feel weak in, I will step forward in faith because His power is perfected in my weaknesses. (II Cor. 12:9-10)
That I would learn humility as modeled by Jesus (I Peter 5:6; James 4:10; Eph. 4:2)
That I would learn to hold my tongue more today and listen more to God than those around me. (James l:26)
That I would truly and sincerely be contended with all that I have. (Phil. 4:11; Heb. 13:5)
That I would be more disciplined in my spending habits and be committed to not worrying about finances. (Matt. 6:24; I Pet. 5:7)
That I might be generous in my giving to others: time, money, gifts, abilities, and talents. (Phil. 4:15; I Pet. 5:7)
That my motives in all that I do might be pure, righteous and holy. (James 4:3; l Thes. 2:3; l Cor.4:5; Prov. 16:2)
That I would be honest and sincere with others, not hypocritical or fake. (Mark 7:6-7)
That I would work at building Christ-like qualities in my life, working hard not to boast, brag, or do anything to selfishly build myself up. (Matt. 23:12; Luke 14:11; James 4:16)
That my private life and daily decisions might reflect an obedience to Christ. (I Pet. 1:14; II Cor. 2:9, 10:5)
That my emphasis would be on inner beauty and character instead of outward beauty. (Prov. 31:30; I Pet. 3:4)
Also read: How to Daily Pray for Your Spouse
How to Daily Pray for Your Children