What do you get when you place a mom, four kids, and the newest What’s in the Bible? DVD in the van for a five hour trip?
Laughter, joy, excitement, and a peaceful ride.
No lie! This is exactly what I did last weekend. The kids and I traveled to Camp Spoiler – aka the Grandparents’ house – and previewed the new Buck Denver and Friends Present…Sing Through the Bible! DVD. They enjoyed hearing songs that they haven’t heard for a while and remembering the Bible stories that coincide with each.
In 60 minutes, the Sing Through the Bible! DVD moves the listener through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation using the top songs from the 13 What’s in the Bible?
DVD. The thirty songs are sung by various puppets as well as the Fabulous Bentley Brothers (whom we L-O-V-E!). Sing-along lyrics are included on each song video.
To my surprise 45 minutes of the DVD cover songs from the Old Testament leaving only 15 minutes of New Testament songs. But, I guess the vast majority of the Bible is the Old Testament.
It’s no secret that this Arkansas family loves What’s in the Bible?. I can’t encourage you enough to bring these DVD’s in your home.
Click to read more about my thoughts on the What’s in the Bible DVD’s.
Thank you to Jelly Telly Labs for allowing me to share my opinion on this wonderful DVD with you.