Her slumped shoulders and tired eyes said it all.
A look that I have seen so many times at church… in restaurants… at the park… at Walmart. The same image sometimes reflected in the mirror.
This is the image of mommas who are absolutely, positively overwhelmed and exhausted.
My heart hurts each time I cross paths with a weary momma. It hurts so much because I understand. I’ve been there more times than I want to admit. Each time I see an overwhelmed momma it takes everything in me not to run to her, give her a hug, scoop up her kiddos, and grant her a much-needed respite.

Sharing the Gospel and My Life
As I pray about the direction God wants me to take this ministry in 2023, He continually brings to mind the image of that weary mom, which leads me to ask, “How can I encourage and empower my web family?“
A while back God led me to this verse.
Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well. I Thessalonians 2:8
Two points stand out in this verse.
First, I pray that the Gospel oozes out of every blog post, podcast, and social media post that I share. I pray that you understand that God loves you and desperately wants you to step into His wide-open arms. Second, I pray that in reading about my life you realize that you are not alone. We are all broken. We all make mistakes and have to apologize. We all have struggles and desire to end the strongholds in our lives. I also pray that in sharing my life you can learn that God is our only hope and that you can add some practical tools to your marriage, parenting, and friendship toolboxes.

Walk with Me
My goal in 2023 is to walk alongside you by way of honest writing, podcasts, and reels.
For the exhausted momma, I want you to be encouraged as you see me in the trenches with you.
For the overwhelmed mommy, I desire to share mistakes and tips I have learned along the way.
For the momma who hurts, I long to be a safe place and offer words of comfort.
For the mom who wants more than survival, I purpose to help you find joy in the journey.
For the unsettled momma, I pray I can provide ideas for contentment in each season of life.
For the mommy whose cup is dry, I hope to lead you to the source of Living Water.
Friends, I don’t have all the answers. The older I get the fewer answers I realize I have. But I know that God never meant us to walk the Christian life alone. I hope that you will allow me and others in the ABCJesusLovesMe family to walk alongside you.
Today’s post begins a year of honest, raw conversations between friends. Posts of encouragement. Podcasts of hope. Social media posts of comfort. Newsletters filled with helpful tips. All ideas leading us to a deeper relationship with Jesus and more tools to “impress” Jesus on our children.

Our Friendship
But friendships are never one sided. I am asking you to be part of these conversations. Here are some ideas:
- Follow and comment on social media posts to build friendships with me and others – Plus, the more you interact with posts and videos, the more the platform will place these in your feed.
- LiveChat with me on the ABCJesusLovesMe.com website
- Share and reply to Newsletters and blog posts to start conversations about your questions and thoughts
- Subscribe and listen to the Parenting to Impress Podcast and then share with others to create discussion on these important topics
Let’s make 2023 a year of growth. Not mustered on our own, but the kind that occurs between friends who are walking together on an intentional journey.
Will you walk with me?