If I have said it once, I will say it again…your emails and comments bless me. Your questions challenge me to make the ABCJLM site and this blog better. This is a question that I received last week from a Mommy:
Thank you for your site. I am very interested in using it with my 5 year old son. Yes, he’s 5, but he has developmental and physical delays, which have prevented me officially beginning our homeschooling. You mentioned that your son has sensory processing difficulties, and I was wondering if anywhere on the site you have specific recommendations for adjustments in the curriculum for such difficulties and delays.
Great question!
First, kudos to her for holding back your son. We held back Bubs (he was six when he started Kindergarten). It was the absolute best decision we could have made. We will hold back Little Man as well.
If you haven’t heard, I am currently writing a 5 Year Curriculum for kiddos who fall on that line. For us mommas who have been given an “extra” year (I fill blessed), this curriculum will fit perfectly between the 4 Year Curriculum and Kindergarten. Unfortunately I can’t give you a date on when it will be finished. I am focusing on getting the 2 Year Curriculum up and going now and then will work on the 5 Year. Hopefully in the next few months you will see the annoucement “It is Finished!”.
As far as adjustments, I have tried to make the curriculum soot all kiddos. Those with delays, over-active children, those who want to do school all of the time. I have specifically added the fine/gross/visual perception areas to the curriculum for children like Bubs. While they are having fun doing these activities, you can target specific areas that they need to develop.
Have fun with the Bible time, songs, and nursery rhymes. These activities can be used with kiddos of all ages.
The “education” part (letters, numbers, shapes, writing, etc.) will not look the same for all children. Let your child dictate when you move on. Even in our family, there are times when my child is ready to move to the next concept and times when we hold off for a while.
Remember that the curriculum is a guide. Also, make the curriculum part of your day. Don’t let it rule your day. Have fun and learn together.
Great question. Keep ’em comin’!