The King’s Christmas List is a new book written by Eldon Johnson to help a child understand the true meaning of Christmas.
Written for children ages 4-8, the story explains that by “giving to others we are actually giving You [Jesus] present.” Emma and her dog Shu-Shu go on a journey to the King’s birthday party. Upon arriving they notice that the guests were giving gifts to each other but no one gave a gift to the King – even though it was His birthday. Emma asks the King why He isn’t receiving presents. The King then explains the real reason for Christmas. At the end of the book, it suggests that you give through such organizations as Blood: Water Mission, your local food pantry, or World Vision.
Momma C’s Thoughts:
We just finished reading this book as our bedtime devotion. While the point of the book is very good, the delivery is a little rough. It reminded me a little bit of The Chronicles of Narnia in that the little girl goes to another world. The kids sat through the entire book but expressed that it wasn’t one that they really enjoyed. Daddy even spoke up that although the message was good, the presentation was lacking. While I can’t give you specific titles of books, I know that there are ones available that can present the same message a little clearer. I do believe that this book could be a good conversation starter with elementary aged children or to use on a Family Night. For older children, this book could be used for an essay assignment during school.
Thank you to Tommy Nelson Publishing for giving me the opportunity to review this book.