When we dreamed about a family, my husband and I never imagined that we would spend the first month of our eldest son’s life at a children’s hospital following his open heart surgery. We didn’t picture spending hours each week at Speech and Occupational Therapy sessions as well as multiple visits to a neurophysiologist and psychiatrist. It wasn’t in our plans to have children with diagnoses and disabilities. Neither of us thought that parenting would involve what it has.
But, none of this was a surprise to God. He knew that our children would need us, and we would need them.
The “Our Out-of-Sync Life” blog was started to encourage and help families. But I especially hoped to help those mommies who had challenging children. Many posts have been written concerning the topics of spirited children, SPD, ADD, Autism, and discipline. In these, I have shared my low points and fears, as well as our successes and tips – all trying to encourage you in the tough job of Mommyhood.
While reading these posts, I pray that you will find ideas to implement in your home. Secondly, I pray that you will find hope and encouragement knowing that you are not alone. We pray that God will use Our Story to encourage you.
If you have an idea or question to share, please let me know.
— Heidi