This is an activity in the 5 Year Preschool Curriculum about emotions.
My Emotions and Me:
Have the child lay on a piece of butcher block paper and trace around the child. Ask the child to finish the below statements and then write the answers on the traced body according to the directions.
My name is…. (between shoulders)
I feel happy when… (right hand)
I get angry when… (left hand)
I love it when… (chest)
I am worried when… (waist)
I feel sad when… (right thigh)
I feel lonely when… (left thigh)
I feel disappointed when… (right foot)
I get excited when… (left foot)
Color each part of the body based upon the color the child associates with the emotion. Have the child color her name with her favorite color. Add a face and yarn hair.
Sweet Pea really enjoyed this activity. I loved the insight that I gained from it. As we discussed how she finished the statements and the colors that she chose, I saw a gimps into the thoughts and feelings of my five-year-old. You will learn a lot about the child if you probe deeper into the responses. The child’s love language may come out too!
Here are two examples:
– Why did you choose brown for “excited?”
Because when I see chocolate cake I get really excited.
– Why did you choose red for “angry?”
Because my face turns really red when I get angry.