This week has been pretty calm for Bubs. He has had his fits of yelling and throwing things but they have been short lived. Some of it is that I have a definitely plan when issues arise and can follow through immediately. Mostly though, I believe that the therapy is continuing to help.
Our OT introduced us to the game ThinkFun Rush Hour Jr. Although this game claims to be for ages 6-8, older four year olds should be able to do several of these mind games. The object is to get a car out of a traffic jam. Very fun and self entertaining! Makes a great birthday gift for a PK or early elementary age child.
Bubs has been playing this game for the past few days. There are 40 different cards or traffic jams that increase with difficulty. Bubs got to card number 27 before we had to return the game. He did awesome! Total problem solving. I was very proud of him.
This game looks really interesting, I’m going to bookmark that one in my Birthday tab!
Hope you’re doing well!
I just want to thank you for this website. You have given me such hope. Your words are encouraging and the links are so helpful. I hope and pray God blesses you and your family as you have been a blessing to me and mine.