We are continuing our Ricky the Raccoon story “Let is Snow!” from our current Ranger Rick Jr. magazine by doing the same activities that the animals did – Making Paper Snowflakes! The kids really enjoyed this activity and several were made to hang on our back door.
Snowflake Learning
So much learning occurred in this project. The kids worked on their fine motor skills when folding paper and cutting. We worked on shapes as they cut out different angles to form different shapes. We also talked about how cutting a triangle produces a diamond shape when the snowflake is opened. Cutting a square makes a rectangle and a semi-circle produces a large circle or oval.
After cutting, we talked about how each snowflake is different. Just like every snowflake is different, God made each of us different. We look different and have vast amounts of abilities and interest. And God made us just the way He wants us.
Tips for Making Paper Snowflakes
– Don’t fold the paper too thick. The kids had trouble cutting through too many layers.
– At first I had to help Sweet Pea know where to cut. She wanted to cut the entire side off!
– Remind the child to cut a short line and then cut again to meet that line.
– Have younger kids make two cuts close together. Then assist by cutting the rest of the way.
– It didn’t take long before they both were doing it themselves.
Also Enjoy…