I had heard about it, but never experienced it until our last snow storm. One bite was not enough! Snow ice cream is our new family tradition. When you find out how easy it is, you will add it to your snow activities as well!
Snow Ice Cream Ingredients
8 cups snow
1 (14 oz) can Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 t. vanilla
Large bowl
Large spoon or spatula
Can opener
Measuring spoons/cups
Individual bowls and spoons
Note: The sweetened condensed milk provides the sweetness to the ice cream. If you don’t have a can, you can substitute with milk, sugar and a dash of salt. Start with 1 cup milk along with 1/4 – 1/2 cup of sugar (based on desired sweetness).
Place the snow in a large bowl.

Add the sweet condensed milk and vanilla.

Stir all of the ingredients together.

The snow will pack together as you stir.

Place in individual bowls to eat. Add toppings if desired.
A friend adds food coloring for some additional fun.
Also Enjoy…
- Activities in the Winter, Snow, and Cold
- Snow Paint
- Play Roll-a-Snowman Game
- Make Homemade Ice Cream in a Bag
- Make Paper Snowflakes
- Winter Seasonal Activities and Crafts

COOL! My kids love eating newly fallen snow as-is but the next time we get some fresh stuff, we'll try THIS! They'll LOVE IT! =D
We've never tried this before…and we live in Maine! You would think it would be top of our list, huh? LOL We'll have to give it a try with our next snowstorm (tomorrow).
we have a little over a foot of snow outside! Tomorrow we will try this, how fun 🙂
For any dairy free or sugar free peoples! Both recipes are yummy!