My closest friends can tell from reading my blogs when I am really excited about something. This is a time!
For some time, I have been battling in my mind how to handle letter and number writing in the curriculum. I posted about changes to the 4 Year Curriculum here. I feel like I finally have the learning, teaching, or order the way I feel is best for all kiddos – especially those with struggling fine motor skill and our male preschoolers. All along the answer was right under my nose – the exact way I have been doing it with my own kiddos. I discovered this way from out OT (yes, once again!).
Take a moment to click over to the new Learn to Write page at ABCJLM. There you will see a process that builds step by step. I believe learning to write this way will work for about any child and result in tearfree learning.
Changes will be coming to the 3 Year Curriculum to incorporate the differences. For one I will be adding more “pre-writing” activities. Also, I am moving the writing of letters to the middle of the curriculum instead of the end. This will all center around the child learning to write the letters in their first name. But don’t worry, the focus of the 3 Year Curriculum will remain about tracing the letters and numbers with their fingers.
Let me know your thoughts!
I have absolutely loved using the curriculum on ABCJLM!!! My three year old just loves "homework time" Thank you so much for what you do! God Bless!