Our rough stage continues – day six. I just got off the phone with our OT (did I mention how much I praise God for this lady!). She is going to have us start using a “brushing technique” and is also going to put Bubs on a behavior plan that he has to bring back to her at therapy on Monday. She was amazed at how far Bubs has regressed. I think she is stumped too. But she listened and understood.
I called a friend for support. She asked if she could take Bubs tomorrow so that I could have a break. Seriously…I have the best friends in the world. She didn’t try to tell me all that I have done wrong. She didn’t tell me what I should do. She simply said she was sorry and she would be praying for me. Yes, we did brainstorm but it was simply that. Yet, I felt stronger after talking to her. Thanks, girl!
What’s my point? Well, God places people in our lives that bless us. They hold us up when we want to sit down.
Thank You, God, for these people. Because I have been blessed, may I bless others.
Maybe it IS the moon or something! We are still having a rough time too. At 10:00 last night I was in tears thinking about the day. No nap, despite hours in his room. He finally went to sleep at 7:00, after being sent to bed for the night around 5:00, and having a back rub, quiet music, and even vanilla air freshener! I totally lost my cool (earlier) and screamed at him for accidentally crashing into me with a toy. He said "I didn't mean to" and I said (screamed actually) "but you didn't mean NOT to!" I felt like I completely failed him yesterday. My husband doesn't seem to understand the stress I'm feeling. Or maybe he's just avoiding it because he doesn't know what to do either. He's a GREAT Dad and husband, but he's not here to see it day in and day out. Plus, he's sooooo laid back, not much upsets him. I wanted to talk to someone, but had no one to call. I really need to change that. I have GOT to find a friend who lives nearby who will listen, pray, and offer an hand occassionally. The closest thing I've got is my Mom, but she tends to give advice more than support. I will be praying for that. I was questioning just about everything……maybe I could do better with him if I wasn't taking care of extra daycare kids, maybe I should send him to Kindergarten just to get a break, maybe I should be more lenient, maybe I should be more strict, maybe I should pray more, pray differently, love more, relax more. But in reality, I don't know that I can do ANYTHING more, I'm exhausted! Thank you for allowing me this place to vent, and to feel like I am not alone. I will be praying for you.
I echo exactly what you wrote. I rack my brain trying to thing of what to do differently, what to do better, what to change. But I remember what we did that day and I think of all the sensory input I gave him. The one-on-one time that I gave him. There isn't anything that I could have done differently except to continually keep my emotion in check and remember that Bubs truly doesn't want to act like this. Things are going on inside his little body that scare him, confusion him. He is just responding to the chaos inside. That whole "hate the sin but love the sinner."
My mom is incredibly supportive and I have one of the best moms in the world. But she struggles – though she tries – to understand. Even last night when I talked to her, I said "I don't want you to fix it or give suggestions. Please just listen." It also lets her off the hook to feel like she has to fix it.
I do believe the full moon coming has something to do with the behavior.
Heather, you are always welcome to vent. It is through us brainstorming together that we can help our children be the child God desires us all to be.