Have you wondered where I have been? I understand. My computer time has been cut down drastically. I hope things will be leveling out soon.
Confession #1 – We have not done “school” for three weeks. There. I said it. Because of a number of reasons (for another post), we haven’t had the time or the energy. But, you know what? That is okay. We will start up where we left and finish into May. No harm done.
Confession #2 – Obedience has been rough at our home. Bubs is struggling to accept that Mommy knows best. Sweet Pea is digging in her heels on almost everything and then the next moment telling Bubs how to behave. Little Man is 22 months and goes from one wrong thing to another. He is the spirited one who wears me out!
Confession #3 – You know when you feel like nothing is working in the discipline corner? You feel like you spend your entire day spanking/timeout/______. But I know (thanks to my husband constant reminders) that consistency is the key. And when I look back especially with Little Man, we are seeing improvements. But when you are in the trenches, it is tiring.
There you have it. A tired Mommy, just like you. One who needs encouragement and strength to face the next day. Thankfully Jesus calls me to feast at the table where He desires to fill my empty mind, spirit, emotions… When I finally accept the invitation, I come to the table so dry. There isn’t a drop of water left in my cup. But…
Psalms 23:5 …My cup runs over.
Jesus doesn’t just want to give me a drink; He wants to fill my cup up so full that it overflows!!! Why do I wait until I am empty to run to Him? Know what I mean?
Go to the feast that Jesus has set for you. Drink. Let it overflow. It is amazing how your day will go.
Bless you. I definitely have those days where I feel like I am talking to four brick walls instead of kiddos…I hope it evens out for you soon.