There are things in the Bible that I can’t wrap my brain around. The Trinity is one of them. The understanding that God is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit – Three in One. In the next few blogs, I am going to be sharing some ideas that I learned as a child. Although St. Patrick’s Day is a great day to focus on Trinity, you can do these activities any time.
The “Trinity Song” is one that we sang at Good News Club growing up. Ms. Susan used a large circle to help us sing this song and understand the concept of “Three in One.”
Trinity Song (Tune of “Are you Sleeping?”)
God the Father, God the Father
God the Son, God the Son
God the Holy Spirit, God the Holy Spirit
Three in One, Three in One.
For this song, I suggest using a large circle made of card-stock or poster-board. Draw three lines to create pie shapes. In one third write “Father.” In the next “Son” and “Holy Spirit” in the last. Write the words in a circle pattern. As you sing the song, turn the circle so the correct “word” is on top. (See picture above)
For older child, this song can be sung in a round. You may want to have separate circles made for each part.
We still use this song on Wed. night for Dairy Kids (elementary youth group). Child like faith accepts the trinity much easier than the adult thought process. We certainly have an awesome God!
What a neat idea! Thanks!