Our nephew received a new game for Christmas that intrigued me. Let me back up…
The “I Spy”, like “Where’s Waldo
”, books ask the reading to find a particular object among a busy page. It forces the brain to focus on what is necessary and ignore the rest. This is an activity that is vital for life in every day situation.
Now back to the game…the present was an “I Spy” Memory game. Like a typical memory game, the cards are turned over and you try to find a match. This game adds another element in that the pictures aren’t clear and defined like other memory games. Yes, the chosen picture is the centered object but there are objects around it. Then to add another level of difficulty, the pictures that you match are not the exact same. The objects may be a different color or be a little different in some way. For those of you with an education background – that is really high on Bloom’s!
Another element to this game is the “I Spy” concept. Using the memory cards turned right-side up, there are riddle cards asking you to find specific things. But unlike the “I Spy” books where the objects never move, every time that you play a different arrangement is created.
Although I would start with the Original Memory with kids, the “I Spy” Memory is one to quickly graduate to.