In the past two years since ABCJLM was created I have gotten excited about various books, educational tools, toys, and other products that I have blogged about. On a few products, I have even encouraged you to purchase your own because I have felt that it is something that every family needs to have. Today, my excitement has been taken to a whole new level.
For the past several months, I have been working with the Betty Lukens Company because I wanted to provide the ABCJLM users with the best way (in my opinion) to present Bible stories to children. The persistence paid off. On Friday, sitting at my front door was a very large box. I was like a child on Christmas morning opening it. (You maybe even heard me scream in delight!) I was so excited because I knew that the Bible was going to take on a whole new meaning for my kiddos and for families using the ABCJLM curriculum. In yesterday’s blog, I stated that Bible time was about to change drastically at our home. And this is why.
Using flannelgraph and felt to teach the Bible may be new to you. For others of you, this is taking you back to your days as a child in Sunday School. For some, good memories. Others, not so much. Sadly, just like everything else this amazing tool can be used very poorly.
No matter what the image your mind is creating, in the next few weeks, I am going to teach you how to use flannelgraph with children – in a home setting, in a preschool or private school, or in a program with your church. I am going to show you why flannelgraph is still one of the best ways to teach Bible stories – when done well. I want to show you what to do and what not to do. I believe so much in this form of teaching that I will be adding the Through the Bible Flannelgraph to the ABCJLM curriculum (not as a must have but something that I will highly suggest as a supplement material).
Help me get started by sharing with all of us:
1. Is flannelgraph new to you or have you had positives/negatives experiences?
2. Questions that you know you already have about using flannelgraph with children.
This is going to be a fun few weeks as we dive into the possibilities that felt pictures have. I am excited and hope that you are too!
More info:
20% Discount for ABCJLM Users
Using Flannelgraph
Using Flannelgraph on a Tight Budget
The Through the Bible in Felt Deluxe Set was provided for review by Betty Lukens, Inc. Thank you for giving me and the ABCJLM users this awesome opportunity.
This is definitely not new to me. As a matter of fact, my mother taught with flannel graph stories over 50 years ago. She was a wonderful Sunday School teacher working with 2 and 3 year olds. Many of those children grew up to be teachers themselves and are walking with the Lord as they share the good new of Jesus Christ. With technology so prevelant in our culture power point presentations seem to be the trend of the day. The flannel graph pictures allow children the opportunity for some tactile learning as well as visual. Fun!
We had a huge flannel set at my last church and it was beautiful…it may even have been the same one. I am interested to see your review of it and how you are going to use it. I know my kiddos love it when I teach with my Bible puppets so I am sure they would love the flannel graph stories as well.