On our last “Talk 2 Me Thursdays”, I was asked:
Do you have suggestions for teaching handwriting?
This is one area that I feel especially grateful for Bubs’ OT. I learned how to teach handwriting! I saw how it helped Bubs when his fine motor skills were in the 1st percentile. Now I am using the same concepts with Sweet Pea.
I have [attempted] to put this process down on the ABCJLM website. The process begins with Learning to Write where I explain the importance of using colored lines and dots and boxes. From there, I have created pre-writing worksheets as well as tracing worksheets. The ABCJLM 3-Year Curriculum starts this process halfway through the curriculum with the child’s first name. The ABCJLM 4-Year Curriculum goes through the process helping the child learn to write each letter.
There is a lot to this process at first glance. But I believe you will find it very simple and straight forward once you begin.
Please let me know what questions arise so that I can make these pages better!
Wahoo. Didn't know about this section on your curriculum site. I am going to be there tonight finding lots of help. Our older son has visual perception issues and his handwriting is just horrible. Yes, he's in Kindergarten, but this is more than just normal beginning to write issues. His OT described it in legnth and we are working on it. This sounds like it might be what he needs.