Bubs has been having trouble remembering the difference between M & W. It dawned on me that M looks like two mountains and W will hold water. I found this great coloring page to help with this from Sprout.com for the Letter M as well!
Encouragement to Impress | Deuteronomy 6:7
Lots of children have trouble with M & W. When they form the capital letters make sure the M has straight lines down with a V in the middle. All the W lines are slanted. Distinguishing between the lower case m & w is somewhat easier but some children with learning problems confuse them too. I like the illustrations you found. Lower case b & d are another problem. I tell the kids to form a bat and then a ball for the b and make the duck head first before attaching the stick for the d. Sometimes children just have to check a visual clue everytime they come to b or d which may be necessary.
We are dealing with 9 and 6. I keep telling him 6 is fat on the bottom and 9 is fat on top. But it's still a struggle.
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For 9 and 6, we make little stick people out of them. Nine has a big head and 6 has a big belly. Sticks with the kids pretty well.
Love this! Genius. Will have to remember!