Not long after Bubs was born, I read the book Bringing Up Boys by Dr. James Dobson. Now five years later he has written the sister book – Bringing Up Girls.
I have the greatest respect for Dr. James Dobson and Focus on the Family. I thank God for what the various radio programs (Adventures in Odyssey), magazines (Clubhouse Jr
), and various other ministries have meant in my life and my families. I have referred to several specific items created by FOF both on ABCJLM and the blogs. If you are not familiar with Focus on the Family, I encourage you to take the time to check it out. You will find a wealth of information to help strengthen your family.
To summarize the book, Dr. Dobson explains the trials that girls are facing these days because of the media, commercialism, and the culture as a whole. It really is crazy the things that girls have to face with the push toward being the right size, looking the right way, and wearing the correct clothes. The innocence is lost at such a younger age and becoming harder to find at all. With all of the negatives pulling against our daughters, it truly can be depressing and cause you to feel helpless as a parent.
Dr. Dobson explains the huge value a daddy (or a solid male figure) is in his daughter’s life. I felt like the chapters written to dads are very informative and helpful for husbands to read. I also appreciated some of the practical examples given to explain the importance of purity and teaching communication.
But as a whole, this book (along with Bringing Up Boys) was disappointing to me. If you are looking for facts and figures, these book are filled with them. But, I felt there is not a lot of down-to-earth advice that I could take to heart and implement. Maybe because I am a girl (on Bringing Up Girls) and I have worked with all ages of children, I have seen the yuck. Very little in the book shocked me though it made me very sad and reminded me the even greatly importance that I have raising a godly daughter.
Here is who I would suggest read the book – Those who do not follow the news and hear about Hollywood for this would be a very eye-opening book. I suggest Daddy’s (or even Mommy’s ) who are struggling to understand their daughters – what is up with Princesses, why the mood swings, etc. You will be given an insight into your daughter’s heart.
If you are looking at ways to discipline your daughter I would suggest the book by Kevin Leman Have a New Kid by Friday: How to Change Your Child’s Attitude, Behavior & Character in 5 Days.
I read the version for boys and it was such a blessing to me. Thank you for sharing
I wonder if this book would be helpful for my husband to understand how our 3 yr old girl uses tears and "I can't" to manipulate. That's just one example of her "Daddy's little princess" ways. Do you think it would be good for that?
Heather – I do feel this book is valuable for a Daddy's to read and understand girls. I don't specifically remember it talking about the manipulation factor but Dr. Dobson definitely talks about girl emotions. I was just disappointed in the amount of specific examples given in "how" to raise girls.