Here are two truths from the new book Momology: A Mom’s Guide to Shaping Great Kids
(read review here) that need to be posted to your mirror on a 3″x5″ card:
– I am wonderfully made.
– I have been specifically designed to match what my child needs in a mom.
Don’t believe that you are wonderfully made? Don’t believe you are beautiful? Read Captivating (review here). It will rock your world. Doesn’t mean that the enemy doesn’t continue to throw lies to you, but it is easier to denounce false thoughts when you understand the truth.
I have had so many conversations with moms who feel like they don’t have what it takes to raise their kids. As a parent you feel like a failure. But God does not make a mistake. You were chosen as the mom for each one of your children because God knew you were the perfect match. It isn’t a mistake that your child is more ____ or less _____ than other kids. God wanted to your fingerprints to mold that precious life.
Post. Remind yourself. Believe the truth.
Friend, I love this post because I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was BORN to be Faith's mom! Felt it since the first moment I saw her. All the things that happened in my life were preparations for her. LOVE THIS!