Some of you are questioning my blog title! Others are totally with me. If you are not familiar with Boudreaux’s Butt Paste – you must become. Our poor children inherited my terrible skin and have all experienced horrible diaper rash. Boudreaux’s was the only over-the-counter paste that would even come close to healing their sore bottoms. For baby showers, I almost always throw in a tube for new mom’s. If you have not tried this, you must. Thankfully it is pretty easy to find now as so many people use it.
This is a Mama Buzz review. The product was provided by Blairex Laboratories, Inc for this review.
Heard of Butt Paste, don't use it for our son, but was reading your post about always including it in a gift. I had to laugh. We, as Moms, are born to product recommend, aren't we? I have a few things that every new Mom gets when I give a gift. I give them a fun gift (clothes, baby product, whatever they have asked or registered for), but then I add in a few favorites I have found work really well in hopes that if others do this they might find the perfect product for them.
Momma C, Yeah it was in our supply box, too! Finally convinced my sister to try in for her littlest babe. That stuff is good for everything!LOL
Is it okay to disagree? 🙂 We never found this worked great for us. We stuck with Desitin and had no problems even with the off-brands.