The Berenstain Bears continue to be a favorite of mine. I have reviewed several in the past and have five more new ones to bring to you in the next few weeks. The bubbly yet silly actions from the family of bears always leaves me – and our kiddos – with a smile on our faces.
The Berenstain Bears Hurry to Help is the first of the reviews. In this books, the bear scouts try to do activities that will help them earn their “Good Deed Merit Badges.” In ways that only Papa Bear can do, he is determined to help them in this process but seems to cause more mishap than blessing. In the end, Mama Bear helps the cubs understand good deeds.
Momma C’s Thoughts: This is one of the Papa-isn’t-very-smart Berenstain Bear books. I have trouble with these. There are several Biblical references in the book but only once in the book (on the page opposite the title page) is a specific example given. The rest of them are “hidden.” As I read, I added in more information or stopped and discussed the reference with our kiddos. I felt like the overall meaning of the book was a little hard to find as well which requires some discussion as well. An okay book for further talking but not one to be simply read and grasped by younger children.
Thank you to Zonderkidz for allowing me to review this product.
I have such a hard time with the Berenstain Bears. An otherwise cute story with a lesson and it is ruined because Papa is a buffoon. I don't understand for the life of me why men are so often portrayed in such a light in our society. What does it tell my sons about their worth? You are doomed to be a dolt and the only hope you have is to marry a level-headed woman? No thanks.
Thank you for this comment. I do 100% understand your thought and have had them at times. I do believe that some of the Berenstain books are better (worse) about this than others. In the future, I will consider this in my reviews. Thank you so much for reminding me of this concern.
Thanks so much for your kind understanding. I could have phrased that a bit better. I respect your opinions and enjoy reading your reviews, your blog and ABCJLM. As the mother of three boys, this is just one thing in our society that really saddens me.