The Howie series is the second post of the Zondervan “I Can Read” series.
If you read my review on the Mrs. Rosey Posey series, you will remember that I am currently looking for books that Bubs and I can read together. The Howie series is actually part of the “My First – Shared Reading” series. There is a lot more repetition and reads more like an early reader book.
I reviewed all four books in the series:Howie Finds a Hug (I Can Read! / Howie Series)
Howie Goes Shopping (I Can Read! / Howie Series)Howie Wants to Play / Fido quiere jugar (I Can Read! / Howie Series / Yo se leer! / Serie: Fido)
Howie’s Tea Party (I Can Read! / Howie Series)
Of the books that I read, three of the four were written both in English and Spanish. Each page contained both languages – English on top, Spanish (written in blue) on the bottom. This would be wonderful for those who are bilingual or teaching children both languages.
Momma C’s Thoughts:
The plot of these books weren’t my favorite. I felt like the majority of the time Howie’s family was yelling at him for running away, making a mess, or not obeying and then the family suddenly loves on him the last two pages of the book. I understand that repetition is needed but the plot left me feeling down instead of smiling. I personally would suggest the Biscuit Books by Alyssa Satin Capucilli. Same type of plot and reading level but a positive and fun feeling.
Thank you to Zondervan for providing me with the opportunity to review these products.