Read these words and see if they don’t hit at home:
You’re picking up toys on the living room floorfor the 15th time todayMatching up socks and sweeping up lostCheerios that got awayYou put a baby on your hip and color on your lipsand head out the doorAnd while I may not know you I bet I know you Wonder sometimes does it matter at all We’ll let me remind you it all matters just as long as you
Does it matter at all?
Seriously. I ask this question a lot. Typically when I am disciplining for the 497th time over the exact same issue. Stepping over clothes that my kids know they should have picked up.
While I wish I had written these words, they are actually from a brand new song by Steven Curtis Chapman on his album Re: Creation
. When I heard it on the radio for the first time, I immediately knew I wanted to encourage you by posting this.
Be encouraged my friend.
Love this song! At church last Sunday, Father Cary was talking about making sure everyone (and myself) could see the face of God in everything I do. ~D
I don't typically listen to Christian radio because, to be honest, the DJs annoy me, so I often miss out on the new songs until someone else tells me about them. THANK YOU for sharing this one! I like it a lot. What a convicting reminder, and very timely for me right now. Thanks again.
Oh, and I just got the 2-year curriculum and I'm gathering stuff together! Excited to get started next week.