With simple pictures and short sentences, this book is perfect for toddlers. Enough detail to keep them engaged but not so much that they lose interest. Each page contains a picture that supports the storyline. Approximately two short sentences align each page. An activity follows each story to further learning. The stories are written in conversation style with action words added to involve the child.
Included with the Bible is a 60 minute DVD containing 14 Bible stories.
Momma C’s Thoughts:
The author, Gwen Ellis, does an excellent job of pulling a toddler in. She specific adds in wording and concepts that apply to this age group (i.e. puppies, kitties, uh-oh, wrong choice, whoosh). As the child learns the stories, he/she can add in the sound effects.
The pictures do a wonderful job of truly reflecting the story. The child could easily retell the story by looking at the pictures.
The video contains fourteen cartoon-illustrated Bible stories. Unfortunately the DVD was not a big hit with our kiddos. After five or tens minutes, they asked for a different video to be put in the player. I believe the video would be good to view as review of single Bible stories but may be too long to watch each story in succession.
While I can’t give a 5 Star rating to the DVD, I highly suggest the Bible.
Thank you to Thomas Nelson Publication for allowing me to review this Bible.