Ladies, I am so excited about the New Year. The mistakes of 2011 are behind us and a clean slate is sitting before us. January 1st is a wonderful time to make changes in our spiritual, physical, and mental areas of life. It’s a time to get perspective on the cards we hold and what lies ahead.
Want to know something crazy about the posts this week? We aren’t going to talk about how to be a better wife or mother. I am not going to show you one more idea to implement in your home or help you create a list of resolutions. I am not even going to encourage you to start an exercise program!
Because as moms we are busy. Few of us set aside time to get a shower let alone workout daily. And my outward appearance is very low on the priority list.
But what I am beginning to realize is that when I feel good about my appearance, I handle the relationships around me better. I am a better mom, wife, and friend when my self-image is good. And how I feel when I look in the mirror is tightly tied to my self-image.
I am more and more convinced that as a Christian mom I need to take care of the outside just like I need to focus on the issues of the heart.
There are three thoughts that may be going through your head right now.
- As a Christian woman, my focus should not be on fashion and looks. It’s the inside that counts.
- There is not time in the day for me. Focusing on me is conceded and arrogant.
- I am not beautiful…will never be beautiful.
Call the enemy out right now! These are lies.
God made us, as women, beautiful.
We can feel good about ourselves and how we look and as Christian it is okay. And the time to start is NOW!
Start by saying a few truths with me:
“I am a beautiful girl.”
“God made me in His image and He made me amazing.”Out loud this time, “As an image bearer of Christ. I can hold my head high knowing that I am a reflection of God’s beauty.”
Were those hard to say?
Tomorrow, I am going to introduce you to an author and speaker. I will share with you resources she has provided for YOU in her new book. Ideas that you can immediately implement to improve how you feel about your appearance. I will be giving you details on a giveaway for new followers of this blog and those who share about the giveaway. Then on Friday, I will share details of another giveaway and provide you with an opportunity to ask questions and receive personal answers to YOUR fashion questions from a Christian style expert!
As Christian woman, our appearance is the first impression of Christ that the world receives. How we dress, – whether modestly or not, stylishly or not – how we look on the outside has a direct reflection on how we feel on the inside and the outside world picks up on this quickly.
From one fashion disaster to another, let’s say it together….”I am a princess. God made me beautiful.”
See you tomorrow!
I shared the giveaway on my facebook!