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While working on the ABCJesusLovesMe.com 5 Year Preschool Curriculum, I came up with this Four Seasons idea. Really fun!
Tree – Paint the child’s hand and arm brown. Press down on a piece of paper. Roll the arm a little to make the tree trunk bigger. Allow to dry. Can also draw around the child’s arm and hand on brown paper and cut out.
Spring – Dip a fingertip into pink paint and press on the paper
Summer – Paint the hand green and press on the paper
Fall – Paint the hand orange and press. Paint the hand yellow and press. Paint the hand red and press.
Winter – Dip a fingertip into white paint mixed with a small amount of blue and press on the paper.
Same concept, less mess…
I used to do these with construction paper when I taught school. The children would trace their hands and arms on the paper and then cut them out, glue on another piece of paper and then cut or tear leaves. Sometimes we just drew them on white paper and colored the tree trunk and glued the leaves on. Not nearly as messy when doing a whole classroom of children. (Thank you, Connie, for this idea.)
View other Four Seasons Ideas…
love this idea!
I am an independent sales rep for a chemical-free cleaning company that happens to be planting 20,000 trees in honor of their 20th anniversary. In honor of this, I am creating a Pinterest board all about trees. I found your activity and could not resist adding it! What a great idea to show kids how the trees change through the seasons.