Kids bring the worst out of their parents, especially moms. We do things and say words we never thought we would say to our own flesh and blood.
A couple of weeks ago, I discussed my own anger issues and tendency to yell at my children out of frustration. In this post, I shared some ideas that I have found in helping with this sin in my life.
In timing that only God can provide, Focus on the Family aired an episode on the same subject. In a two-part series, Julie Barnhill shared her life story and book in the episode entitled Managing Anger-Help and Hope for Moms. These segments are packed full of helpful wisdom.
To listen to these programs, click on the link above and then:
1. Click on “Shows.”
2. Choose “Managing Anger – Help and Hope for Moms 1” on July 11th. (You may have to navigate to another page to find this date.)
Here are a few of the points that I took to heart.
- Choose the best, say no to the rest.
- Don’t get overwhelmed with all of your faults. Choose one area to start.
- Think about what your say to your child and then imagine a stranger saying it to your child.
If you are unable to listen to the program, you may want to pick up Julie Barnhill’s book, She’s Gonna Blow!: Real Help for Moms Dealing with Anger. I haven’t read the book but have put it on my list to pick it up!
How do you keep from “blowing” up at your children?
You answered my prayer today! I caught the tail end of this show on the radio the other day but couldn't for the life of me remember the name of the author or even the show! I am a mom who has been struggling with this very issue a lot lately. Can't say thanks enough <3
I love how God works! And, you are not alone in this issue 🙂
Thank you again for sharing more on this topic. It is an answer to prayer to be able to listen to this show!