Our pastor shared this quote at a Thanksgiving service.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. –Melody Beattie
Keeping up with the Jones is a fierce game to engage your family.
While we all know the danger, to some degree we all do. Jealousy and envy rises up when we see someone else with something that we desire.
Think you are immune? Check out your Pinterest boards!
Want to remove yourself from this game?
Become grateful. Focus on what we have been given. Realize that we all have enough, and more.
I pray that the Thanksgiving Traditions that I have shared these past few weeks have provided your family with activities to build an attitude of gratitude. And a better understanding of a God who loves to provide for His children.

"Think you are immune? Check out your Pinterest boards!"
I ran this by a few co-workers and friends today and we decided that we don't agree with this one. I pin ideas for my classroom and while I am in awe of other teacher's creativity- I'm not at all jealous. I am grateful for their generosity. I pin recipes because I love to cook healthy meals for my family. It's one of the ways I care for them. I love the new yummy meals I find on Pinterst. I also pin lots of ideas for my home- decorating and love making a cozy nest and sanctuary. Once again- the feeling isn't envy. It's gratitude that so many people are willing to share their ideas.
Laura – That is awesome that you are able to look at Pinterest as a resource and not fall into the envy trap. I am sure that this is an issue for some more than others.