Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday ABCJLM family,
Happy birthday to you!
Yes, Happy Birthday – to you! Since you are part of the ABCJLM family, you can celebrate because ABCJesusLovesMe is 5 years old today!
It is crazy to think that just five years ago today ABCJesusLovesMe
was introduced to the world. Four curriculum, a blog, Facebook groups,
a forum, 1000’s of printables, and many ideas later…God has brought us a long way. And
I am so thankful that you have joined us on this journey.
Oh, how I wish I could invite you all over for cake and ice cream. We would sit on my back porch and watch the kids play while we sipped lemonade and laughed over the funny things that have happened to us.
Can you picture it? I can.
But then I remember that Heaven is so close. And soon we will be able to join together to praise our King.
To celebrate our 5th birthday, I am going to give away a a section of the Handwriting Workbook.
The Handwriting Workbook is the newest workbook available on the ABCJLM website. This workbook is used in each of the four curriculum.
The Handwriting Workbook contains 59 worksheets which help a child
learn how to correctly and neatly form letters and numbers. The key to
learning penmanship is in the process; a process where each level is a
building block for the next level. You can read more about this process
and see the worksheets on our “Learning to Write” page. The workbook includes:
Pre-Writing Worksheets, 3″ Uppercase Letters, Letter and Number
Progression Worksheets, ABCJLM Tracing Worksheets, and Blank Tracing
Line Worksheets (all printed in color) as well as five review writing
worksheets used in the 4 Year Curriculum and the 26 Letter Writing Worksheets used in the 5 Year Curriculum.
These worksheets were created exclusively for the ABCJLM curriculum.
(Notice: The giveaway workbook includes all of the color worksheets except for the 26 black-and-white Letter Writing Worksheets used in the 5 Year Curriculum.)
This giveaway will last one week. I will choose and announce one random winners on Friday, May 3rd on this blog. (So, be sure to check back to see if you have won!) You will have until Thursday night at 11:59 p.m. (CST) to enter in our giveaway.
You may enter up to three separate times by doing one or all of the following items. Be sure to leave a separate comment for each entry.
1. Follow “Our Out-of-Sync Life” blog by RSS feed or by email. Be sure to confirm your subscription. Then leave a comment telling me that you are following our blog. You may also follow by using Network Blogs or Google Reader. These options are all available on the right hand column under “Subscribe and Follow.” (If you already have done this, please leave a comment (with your name) saying this.)
2. Like “Our Out-of-Sync Life” on Facebook (Like button is in the right-hand column) and then leave a comment telling me that you did this. (Again, if you are already done this, please leave a comment (with your name) stating this.)
3. Share this giveaway on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter accounts and then leave a comment (with your name) telling me where you shared it. Add a statement like this to your status: Happy Birthday ABCJesusLovesMe.com! To celebrate I have entered to win a Handwriting Workbook and you can too by visiting www.OurOutofSyncLife.blogspot.com.
Happy Birthday, ABCJesusLovesMe!
This giveaway is available for US residents only. My apologies to my non-US friends!
Hi Heidi. It the giveaway valid for US residents only?
Karen – I apologize. Yes, US residents only.
Happy Birthday! Thanks for all you do!
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samantha anderson
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I have shared the giveaway on my facebook page to be entered in the giveaway.
Happy Birthday ABCJLM. This family is a blessing.
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lisa grogan
Happy Birthday!!
subscribed to blog
Lisa grogan
I also just joined to follow the blog.
I have liked the Preschool Curriculum page and the ABCJLM page on facebook, but I don't see where you have the Our Out-of-sync life on facebook to like as in the above instructions for the three ways to enter the giveaway.
Gail – You can like Our Out-of-Sync Life on Facebook using the "Like" button at the very top of the left hand column on this page.
I follow via RSS feed
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I followed the blog via email!
Heather Gonzales
I 'liked' this blog on Facebook!
Heather Gonzales
I shared the contest on Facebook for my friends to see!
Heather Gonzales
Hi I have already subscribed to Our Out-of-Sync Life and love it. It's awesome.
Thank you for this wonderful program. Nicole Sullivan
Liked on FB! Happy Birthday, ABCJLM! What a blessing you have been to our family!
Happy birthday! I am subscribed to your blog. -Kimberly Wintersteen
Liked on Facebook as Kimberly Double-u
I've also shared this on Facebook as Kimberly Double-U
Jennifer Teague: Subscribed, Liked, & Shared on Facebook!
I follow your blog- Lori Turnbow
I 'like' you on fb- Lori Turnbow
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