I found out that there are a few nasty rumors going around concerning ABCJesus Loves Me and its curriculum. Thankfully an ABCJLM friend emailed to let me know, allowing me to set the record straight.
One rumor is that the ABCJLM curriculum will no longer be free for family use.
This is 100% not true.
We have absolutely no plans of removing our curriculum from being accessible for free by families around the world. It is our God-given ministry and until God tells us differently, we will not be changed. The foundation of our ministry is to provide free resources and we will not be shaken no matter how crazy the world thinks we are.
Second, the curriculum and workbooks in print are not increasing in price. Nor are the Licenses. We had a price increase in January to offset the increase we experienced on our end with printing and mailing. I don’t anticipate a price increase for some time.
Third, the curriculum and workbooks in print do not go on sale. I give you the lowest price that I can in order to match my expenses. The only time I offer lower priced books are when my printing company misprints a set. They are lower in price because they contain “errors.”
There is one rumor that is true. The ABCJLM website is being complete redone. But the content is not changing. You will find the same pages as you do on the current website. They will just be grouped differently. I pray in a more logical way. Pages may be named a little different but it will be consistent throughout the curriculum. Not named differently on different curriculum.
I have also redone the intro pages to help guide a new family to use the curriculum. I pray these are more informative and simpler.
Lord willing, the new website will be revealed by the first of June. But God may have other plans. Until then, I am a busy bee trying to get it ready.
Thank you to Ginny for making me aware of these falsehoods. I welcome questions and hope that you will help me “kill the rumor weed!”
God bless- Heidi
Sorry to hear you guys are having to deal with these rumors. My daughter is beyond the ABC… age, but we were so grateful for a free, quality, Christ-centered program when she was younger. Blessings!
Thank you for the encouragement. God is doing a great thing here or otherwise the enemy wouldn't waste his time attacking!
I recently found your fabulous site and am so excited to begin with my almost 2 year old. I did want to share something cool I found. At the Pearson company website We Give Books, you can read many popular books (such as Llama Llama Red Pajama) online for free, perfect for those times you pack up the kids, head to the library, only to find out it is closed for the day. Yes, I did that today–groan. Best wishes on thw website remodel!
I have a note to check deeper into "We Give Books." Thank you for sharing this!