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I have heard nothing but joy and excitement for the brand new ABC Jesus Loves Me website. To know that what we have done has blessed you does my heart good!
To celebrate the new website, we are going to offer the largest giveaway yet and you get a choice in the winnings! How cool is that?
This giveaway is called:
Let’s talk about the “winnings” first.
The randomly chosen winner of this giveaway gets his or her choice of two ABCJLM books. You can choose any two of the eleven Curriculum and Workbooks available on the ABCJLM website. (See the list of options here.)
Now for the “mistakes.” You enter to win by sharing with me mistakes that you find on the website. (Don’t worry. It won’t hurt my feelings. I want to fix the mistakes!) This could be an error in punctuation, misplaced modifiers, a sentence that doesn’t make sense, a broken link, just to name a few. Unlike other giveaways, there is no limit to entries. You can enter with one error or one hundred. Obviously, the more errors you share, the better chance you have to win. Be sure to leave a separate comment for each mistake you find and don’t forget to leave your name.
One more giveaway. The person who reports the most errors will receive one of the new Handwriting workbook. (Notice: This workbook includes all of the color worksheets except for the 26 black-and-white Letter Writing Worksheets used in the 5 Year Curriculum.)
Simple enough? I think so!
So pull out your magnifying glass and begin clicking, reading, and reporting to have the option to win up to three ABCJLM books!
This giveaway will last two weeks. I will choose and announce the winners on Friday, June 21st on this blog. (So, be sure to check back to see if you have won!) You will have until Thursday night at 11:59 p.m. (CST) to enter in our giveaway.
Very important: In reporting, please report the exact page where the error was found and the sentence surrounding the error. This is very important for me to be able to find and fix the error. An error can be reported only once to count as an entry.
*”This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.” comments are either duplicate errors or are not errors.
What error did you found on the ABC Jesus Love Me website?
This giveaway is available for US residents only. My apologies to my non-US friends!
The website is great! I hate to point out any errors. However, you asked for them. On the home page you list 4 Curriculum for ages 2-5, the correct plural should be curricula.
You are blessing me by pointing out errors!
I have talked to several English majors about the curriculum word. Obviously need a few more conversations! 🙂
Which Curriculum Do I Choose Page – "Academically, 2-year-olds is introduced to colors, shapes, counting to 10, and saying letters." Should read 2-year-olds are introduced.
Good eye! I will get this fixed. Thank you!
On the "How Do I Teach?" page under the Introduce, Recognize, Identify header, #3 reads "The child can identify the concept and the concept is learne." Just needs a d.
Fixed. Thanks!
Under "Using the Lesson Plans" – 5 year example – Idea #3 5 year curriculum example has Day 1, Day 2, Day 2, and Day 4. It should have a Day 3 in there.
Good eye! Thanks
Not sure if this is an error, but if it were me, I would want the sidebar and header to match. Sidebar says "supplemental material" but when you open up the page the title says "supplemental materials." I would want them to match. 🙂 Sorry to be so critical, but I want to win!!! 🙂
Bring on critical! This Typical A, perfectionist doesn't like that either! Will fix!
On the 2-Year Olds Curriculum Lesson Plans main page the first line of the first paragraph reads "The curriculum are divided into 36 weekly lessons plans (shown to the left)." It should read "The curriculum is divided into 36 weekly lesson plans"
Ordering saves you time and the amount to money…should read, 'of money'
Good find!
2 Year Objectives
Child will be introduced and know several…should read 'be introduced to and know…'
One more…under Supplemental Material – Bibles – the heading at the top says "Choosing a Children's Bibles." Bibles should not be plural.
On the 2 year curriculum lesson plans on week 36 Review you have the wrong book listed. It reads "The Rainbow Fish" it should be "Gossie" from week 35.
Good catch. Thanks!
2-Year Curriculum Memory Verses Page
'Each memory verse in the 2 Year Curriculum relates to the Bible story and…' Maybe should read 'relates to the corresponding Bible story' or perhaps, 'relates to that week's Bible study'.
When I read that sentence my first thought was, 'relates to which Bible story?'
Feel free not to include that as a 'competition' mistake. More a usage issue. (I was a high school English teacher for 15 years before I became a stay-at-home mother!)
Bring on the "usage issues." English is not my major or love so I appreciate all help!! Thank you!
2-Year Curriculum Memory Verses
To help learn the memory verses, printable 2 Year Curriculum Memory Verse Cards are available to print.
This is a redundancy. "Printable 2 Year Curriculum Memory Verse Cards are available", or "2 Year Curriculum Memory Verse Cards are available to print". Don't need both"printable" and "to print"
Very good. Thanks!
I found a few broken links on the – Learning to Write page –
Under Step #2 the 1st "purchase" link
Step #3 the "3 Year Workbook and the Handwriting Workbook" link
Step #4 "Worksheets" has a blue s in the title
Step #5 the "4 Year and 5 Year or Handwriting Workbooks" link
Under the "Blank Tracing Line Worksheets" title the "4 Year and 5 Year or Handwriting Workbooks" link
Thank you!
2-Year Curriculum Development
Numbers 10 and 11 under 'Self-Care and Manner' (should that read 'Manners'?) have the word 'undess' – should be 'undress'
Very good!
2 Year Curriculum Development
Number 26 under Fine Motor Skills 'make pretzels' looks like it has the beginnings of a link, but is not one. There is a small blue underscore just before the 'm'.
2 Year Curriculum Development
Number 27 Water with a Baster.
Say, 'Water Plants with a Baster' for clarity.
Thank you.
Just a side note on the 2 Year Development Page… Is Play Doh a trademarked product name? If so, perhaps just the generic term 'playdough' should be used.
Oh…I have gone around and around with this word. I think that I have changed everything over to playdough but I know that there are some that I have missed.
2 Year Curriculum Development
Number 6 under Self-Care and Manner(s) reads, 'Dirty clothes in the laundry'. This is ambiguous. Does this mean to dirty the clothes in the laundry? Or to put dirty clothes in the laundry?
The reason why this book is not listed on the review week is because it is not a "Book of the Week." It is simply a supplemental book. Thank you!
Same as other book.
On the FAQ page, under the question "Which curriculum do I choose?", the answer reads..
"1st – Figure out how many years the has before Kindergarten."
The word "child" has been left out.
Good! Thanks
On the About Our Site page the last line of the second paragraph reads: "I found that I did not have the resources nor the time to prepare all of the crafts and go on the field trips suggested for a week." I believe that it should read: "..field trips suggested for that week."
On the About Our Site page in the fourth paragraph the second sentence reads: "It has been through speech, occupational, and visual therapy with our son that I realized that the curriculum were only geared to certain children." It should read: "..the curricula were only.."
On the About Our Site page the last paragraph second sentence reads: "Also, besure to check out the ABCJLM Forum and Facebook" it should read: Also, be sure to check out.."
Good catch!
On the Terms of Use page the third paragraph last sentence reads: "Do not link directly to a pdf file but instead to the page on which the pdf is linked to." There should be a comma after the word file. "..to a pdf file, but instead.."
On the Terms of Use page in the fourth paragraph one of the links is not in blue, the link works, but it just isn't colored. I don't know why or how you can fix that, but thought you would like to know. "public domain clipart sites – http://www.clker.com/ or"
on the Kindle order page the first line of the first paragraph reads: "The four curriculum are available" It should be curricula.
Under 'Information 2-Year Curriculum' on the Which Curriculum Do I Choose page, there should be a space in 'nurseryrhymes'
On the "Order for Family Use" page it states: "Please read the links in the vertical menu before ordering to understand what each book contains – "What is Included in Each Book?" – as well as shipping information." Including the title "What is Included in Each Book?" is redundant. You might use a sentence like "Please read the links in the vertical menu before ordering to understand what each book contains, order and shipping information."
Thank you!
Well, I emailed it to you, but the Bubble Letter Lowercase printables are not opening correctly. Thanks! 🙂
Fixed. Thanks!
I had to look this one up! According to the website "Write Corner" – "the American rule is – always place the comma and the period inside the quotation marks."
The English Language is so confusing! 🙂
On this page:
You say, "…you may desire to use more than one curriculum at a time. The "Across the Curriculum" tables…" But the link in the left-hand column is titled, "Across ALL Curriculum" and then when you click on the link, the page title is back to "Across THE Curriculum" but your page heading (in your browser bar) is "Across ALL Curriculum" – is there a reason you're using both?
Good catch! I will fix the inconsistency!
Not sure if it has already been mentioned but under the 3 year curriculum sidebar it says 'list and guides' should be 'lists and guides.'
Very good! This occurs four times! Thank you.
Wow..I didn't know this rule. I was taught not to capitalize preps and from what I just read online, it depends on whose rules you follow.
"The Chicago Manual of Style, for instance, notes that "articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, for, nor), and prepositions, regardless of length, are lowercased unless they are the first or last word of the title." But The Associated Press Stylebook is fussier: Capitalize the principal words, including prepositions and conjunctions of four or more letters." Grammar.about.com
Because it seems to be whichever way your choose to follow, I will leave as is. They advised picking a way and being consistent. Plus, changing it will appear wrong to me every time I look at it! 🙂
Thanks for pointing this out. I learned something today!
In the 2 year ciriculum under lessons week 23 the very last sentenance doesn't have a period.
Thank you!
Due to space, I shorted this title and others. Thank you!
Under the tab "Curriculum," "Using More Than One at a Time" : On the sidebar, you use the "&" symbol for "Academic & Handwriting" and "Music & Rhymes, " but not for "Books and Reading." Perhaps you may want to change to "Books & Reading". (This is uber-picky, but it did catch my eye).
Thank you for all your work on this! 🙂
This is one that bugs me too. Thought I fixed them all. Thanks for pointing it out!
Under 3 Year Curriculum, Extra Ideas, Ideas:
"In a few small containers, gather the supplies suggested for the 3 Year Curriculum. Then when it is time for a game, craft, or other activity, the supplies are easy to collected." I think you meant it to say "…the supplies are easy to collect" or "…the supplies are easy to be collected" or "…the supplies are easily collected."
Thank you! I missed this one.
Under "Curriculum" – "3 Year Curriculum" – "Supplemental Materials" :
"*Food" is in a smaller font than the other headers on the page (Books, CDs, Craft Items, DVDs, Food, Games, Household Items, Toys). Also, some of the above headers are in a bold font, while others are not. For example, "Games" is in a bold font, but "Household Items" is not).
I have had more trouble with the format of the supplemental pages. Don't know why but it kicked out what I tell it to do. Thank you for pointing this out and I will keep working on it. 🙂
I had to look this one up. Seems there is a lot of discussion about our little friends can and not. And it depends on who you believe. For consistency, I am going to leave it as two words because I never write cannot.
Under "Curriculum," "3 Year Curriculum," "Lists & Guides," "Memory Verse" :
I think it's supposed to say "Each memory verse in the 3 Year Curriculum…" Also, should the 2nd sentence say "CD's" or "CDs" instead of "Cds"?
"Each memory verse in the 2 Year Curriculum relates to the corresponding week's Bible story and many verses are repeated to aid in retention. Many of the songs come for the Steve Green Hide 'Em in Your Heart Cds. Having a CD makes it easy to work on the verses throughout the day in your home and car. The rest of the verses are set to familiar tunes."
Yes, it should say "3." Yep, CD.
Thank you!
Same as above.
Sorry, yes you're right, under the American rules the way you have it is correct. It's not where I live so that's where I was mistaken.
Under "Curriculum," "3 Year Curriculum," "Lists & Guides," "Music & Rhymes" : Last word in 2nd paragraph should be CDs. (So sorry, if this is being too picky!!)
I know someone already mentioned this for the 2 Year Curriculum, but I see there are several "Play Dohs" written on the 3 Year Development page (under weeks 6, 11, 26, and 30)
On the Book & Letter of the Week – 3 Year: Week 11, "Goodnight Moon" – Goodnight should be one word.
Wow! I had no idea. Thank you for pointing this out!
"3 Year Curriculum," "Lists & Guides," "Bible" : There needs to be a "s" on Bible in the first sentence of the third paragraph ("Each weekly lesson plans includes three children's Bible…")
This also occurs in the same section of the 4 Year Curriculum.
Under "Holding a Pencil & Handwriting Tips": The last bullet point on "Teaching the tripod grasp": "Pinch the pencil with the thumb and index finger. Strength is required in these to fingers in order to control the pencil. (The fine motor skills.)"
I think it should say "….Strength is require in these TWO fingers…" or maybe just omit the "to"
Under "Holding a Pencil & Handwriting Tips" –
This sub-heading (comes after "Teaching the tripod grasp") should say "Strengthen" instead of "Strength.": "Activities to Strength the Fingers"
Under "Order Now," "Ordering for Family Use," "Shipping": The first sentence should say "mailed," not "mail."
"All orders are mail within seven business days (excluding holidays)."
The "Order Now," "FAQ" for both family and church use…..the first bullet point doesn't link to anything.
"ABC Jesus Loves Me Curriculum"
Under "Order Now," "FAQ" (for both family and business use), the bullet point "Do I have to have the "Book of the Week" to use the ABCJLM curriculum?"…. This sentence needs to have the "to" omitted: "….Thus, there is absolutely nothing in the ABCJLM curriculum that you must TO have or that you are obligated to teach."
Under "Extra Ideas," "Teaching Ideas," "Memory Verses": the following bullet point has a type-o for "ABCJLM"
• Preschool Memory Verse Cards – Each printable Memory Verse Cards contains the verse, reference, and a corresponding picture. Also listed is the week and curriculum the verse is used in the ABJCLM lesson plans (i.e. 4 Year Week 6). Each memory verse contains a different picture to aid in learning.
Under "Extra Ideas," "Teaching Ideas," "Memory Verses": The first CD listed is"Hide 'Em In Your Heart Vol 1 Cd by Steve Green"
The word "CD" should be capitalized.
Under "Extra Ideas," "Numbers," "Apple Tree Number Posters": I think macaroni is spelt with only 1 "r"
#12 – glue on macarroni or other noodles (dye the noodles for extra color)
Under "Extra Ideas," "Numbers,": Under the sub-heading "Number Ideas" the word "you" should be "your." ("Have your child draw a number….")
• Put magnetic refrigerator letters or numbers into a small bag or basket. Have you child draw a number out and tell you the number. For fine motor skill practice, have the child show you that number on their fingers.
Under "Extra Ideas," "Numbers," "Tactile Numbers": In the 3rd paragraph you mention different ways to make the Letter/Number cards. Pipe cleaners is listed and spelled as one word, but further down the page it is split into two words….I think it's supposed to be two words…?
"Below are several different ways to make these cards using sandpaper, sand, yarn, glitter paper, chipboard, pipecleaners, puff paint, and glitter glue. I suggest you make the uppercase and lowercase letters as well as numbers 0-9 at the same time instead of doing the needed ones each week."
Under "Extra Ideas," "Holiday Ideas," "Christmas": The first bullet ("Activities") is not aligned with the rest of the bullets (probably some glitchy formatting issue?)
Under "Extra Ideas," "Holiday Ideas," "Christmas," "Activities":
* The 2nd Activity (Gingerbread Houses) – a period is needed at the end of the last sentence.
* The 3rd Activity (Be Wise Men) – a parenthesis is missing at the end of the last sentence.
* The 4th Activity (Send Christmas Cards) – I think it should say "Send Christmas Cards" instead of "Send a Christmas Cards"
* The 11th Activity (Using modeling clay or playdoh) – I think you've been changing playdoh to playdough?
* Further down, under "Christmas Traditions," – the 1st one, "ornament" is misspelled "Add one glass ornament…" I'm also not sure what the 2nd sentence is supposed to really say…."Add one glass ornmanet a day to the Christmas tree. One the Christmas tree write a promise from God and read the daily scripture."
* Under "Crafts and Activities," "Create a Happy Birthday Jesus Book" – there needs to be some spacing between these sentences: Review the Bible stories as you look through the finished book.{SPACE NEEDED HERE} Here are some ideas to fill the Happy Birthday Jesus Book.
Under "Extra Ideas," "Holiday Ideas," "Easter": the word "of" needs added to this sentence: "Lay torn pieces {OF} tissue paper on the egg."
"Tissue Paper Egg – Print off the Large Easter egg printable. Paint a small section of the egg with water-downed glue. Lay torn pieces tissue paper on the egg. Paint over the tissue paper. Continue until the entire egg is covered. Let dry."
Under "Extra Ideas," "Holiday Ideas," "Thanksgiving": Take out the word "is" from this sentence: "Each evening encourage each person {IS} to write one thing that they are thankful for and add it to the tree."
"Thanksgiving Tree – On the wall, door, or a bulletin board create a tree. Cut leaves to add to the tree. Each evening encourage each person is to write one thing that they are thankful for and add it to the tree."
Under "Extra Ideas," "Holiday Ideas," "Thanksgiving": Take out the word "is" in this sentence under "Turkey of Praise" = "Each evening encourage each person {IS} to write one think that they are thankful for and add it to the turkey."
"Turkey of Praise – On the wall, door, or a bulletin board create the body of a turkey. Cut feathers to add to the body. Each evening encourage each person is to write one thing that they are thankful for and add it to the turkey."
"Extra Ideas," "Holiday Ideas," "Valentine's Day": "you" should really be "your" in the first sentence of the Valentine's Mailbox idea. "If you{r} child needs a Valentine's Mailbox…"
"Valentine Mailbox – If you child needs a Valentine's Mailbox, this is a simple and cute idea from Quirky Momma – made from an unfinished tissue box."
Under "Extra Ideas," "Holiday Ideas," "Earth Day": I think the word "can" should be taken out of this bullet point (last activity/idea in the list of bullet points):
* Spending the day only using things that your family {can} recycled
I am assuming there is only one masking tape so that is why I didn't make it plural.
When you scroll over the Extra Ideas and the drop down appears and you selecet colors it takes you to the ideas for the colors black only. From there you have to click Academic to find the rest of the colors. Not really a mistake just a bit confusing at first! 🙂
I don't think I wrote my comment very clearly (sorry, I keep looking while trying to nurse my energetic 8 month old!)…I just thought the part in the parentheses, after the word "Painter's Tape" sounded odd…("this tapes doesn't leave a residue like masking tape"). I was just thinking maybe it would sound better to say "this tape doesn't leave…." or "these tapes don't leave…."
Sorry if I'm being too critical, it's just that I would love to win some of your books!!! 🙂
User Agreement within a Family – In the 3rd paragraph, I think the word "lead" should be replaced with "led."
"From the birth of this website, we have felt {lead} to provide all of the ABCJLM resources to families for free."
User Agreement in a Church or Business – In the 3rd paragraph, first sentence: I think the word "lead" should be replaced with "led."
"While we feel {lead} to keep ABCJLM free for individual family use, we ask…."
Found this mistake in your first potty training blog. Anyone else "every" feel like celebrating milestones like these?
Should read "ever" Also in the same area just a little down from there is this sentence. After a few non-successful days, I realized pretty quickly that he was not ready. Could read "After a few {of} non-successful days,…."
Potty Training made easy under the Underwear section the last sentence reads: Cheaper and same result. may want to read Cheaper and {the} same result.
On the "Incorporate Learning into a Day" page I found that the icons on the right (Activities for the day, Affiliate Link, etc.) are overlapping the text. This happens on my desk top computer. I have not check to see if it also happens on my ipad.
Brandy – Can you send me the link to this page please? I am thinking it was just a downloading glitch as it doesn't happen for me. But I will look into it further. Thanks!
Under "Extra Ideas," "Books & Reading," "Bob Books" – "you" should be "your" in the 2nd sentence after the bullet points.
"I have created "Reading Charts" to print off and post. When {you} child finishes a book, place a stamp or sticker in the box beside the book's title. Have the child write their name in the blank "Look what _____ is Reading!".
Under "Extra Ideas," "Books & Reading," "Additional Preschool Books": In the list of books, "Goodnight Moon" needs edited (currently displaying as "Good Night Moon.")
Under "Extra Ideas," "Books & Reading," "Additional Preschool Books": In this list of books, "Guess How Much I Love You", the author's name needs the "B" capitalized (should be Sam McBratney). Also, in the description, "mind" should really be "remind."
"Guess How Much I Love You by Sam Mcbratney – The perfect bedtime story to {mind} your little one how much you love them."
Under "Extra Ideas," "Books & Reading," "K-2nd Grade": I think the first sentence of the third paragraph would sound better if the word "your" was replaced with the word "their."
"Just because your child is reading on {your} own doesn't mean that read-alouds are no longer important." (Maybe change to "Just because your child is reading on their own…")
Under "Extra Ideas," "Books & Reading," "K-2nd Grade": Under the listing for Biscuit Books, the word "names" should be replaced with "named."
Biscuit Books – Very simple stories about a dog {names} Biscuit. 1st Grade Reading Level
Under "Extra Ideas," "Books & Reading," "K-2nd Grade": Under the book "Poppleton," the description is confusing. I'm wondering if the phrase "and his friends" should be replaced with "with his friends."???
"Poppleton- City pig Poppleton adjusts to life in a small town and his friends. 2nd Grade Reading Level"
Under "Extra Ideas," "Books & Reading," "3rd – 5th Grade": the word "reading" should be replaced with the word "reader" in the description of the book "My Father's Dragon."
"My Father's Dragon – Written in 1944, this Newbery Honor Book invites the {reading} to join the adventures of a boy and an enslaved baby dragon. 5th Grade Reading Level
Under "Extra Ideas," "Books & Reading," "3rd – 5th Grade": In the description for the Ralph S. Mouse Set, there is a type-o in the book title "The Mouse and the Motorcycle." (the word "the" is listed twice and the word "and" is forgotten)
"The Ralph S. Mouse Set – By Beverly Cleary, this set includes the popular Mouse {the} the Motorcycle book. 5th Grade Reading Level"
Under "Extra Ideas," "Books & Reading," "3rd – 5th Grade": In the description for "Ramona Quimby, Age 8," the word "names" should be replaced with "named."
"Ramona Quimby, Age 8 – Follow the life of a 3rd-grade girl {names} Ramona. 5th Grade Reading Level"
Under "Extra Ideas," "Books & Reading," "Mommy Just-For-Fun Books":
* In the first sentence, "These are the books that I read when I have free time…" there is a picture or maybe a symbol posted after the words "free time." It doesn't display for me. I'm not sure if that's because I'm using Chrome, or if it is indeed a broken image?? Just thought I'd mention in case it doesn't work on your end as well.
* Under Karen Kingsbury, the word "my" needs to be added to the first sentence: "Like so many other Christian women, Karen Kingsbury is one of {MY} favorite authors."
* Under "Not My Will" by Francena Arnold, the word "is" needs to be added to the first sentence. "Originally written in 1946, this {IS} a book that few have read but all should read."
Under "Extra Items," "Books & Reading," "Mommy Survival Books":
* The last word of the first paragraph needs to be plural ("items"). "A list of the books that have been vital to me being a wife, friend, and the raising of our children…as well as books that you have suggested! Visit Our Favorites for more suggested item{s}."
* The first book listed, "1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12" – I think perhaps the word "non-emotion" in the description should be changed to "non-emotional." "This book uses the philosophy of counting "1-2-3" as a discipline tool; making it a simple, non-stress, non-emotion{al} way to discipline effectively."
* The disclaimer at the bottom of the page…the word "it" should be replaced with "is" in this sentence "Check scripture references and make sure that nothing {it} out of context."
*Also, the first sentence of the disclaimer sounds a little odd…maybe it needs reworded?? "Please understand that with any of the books listed here, there are good and bad" Maybe add "….there are good and bad {points to each}." ???
Under "Extra Ideas," "Letters," "Formation Chants": Replace "simply" with "simple" in the first sentence.
"While teaching our children handwriting, I realized that ten {simply} formations created all 26 letters of the alphabet."
Under "Extra Ideas," "Letters," "Letter of the Week Activities," "Ii" – For "Snacks and Foods" the first bullet point is ice cream. It currently shows it as one word, but I think it should be two words.
Under "Extra Ideas," "Letters," "Letter of the Week Activities"
* Aa – "Animals in the Ark" – For the sentence "Then add animals stickers" I think dropping the "s" off of "animals" would make it sound better.
* Aa – "Ants" – Perhaps change the word "antlers" to "antennae" ??? (maybe??) "Add {antlers}, six legs, and a face to make the fingerprints look like ants.
Under "Extra Ideas," "Letters," "Letters of the Week Activities" "Bb":
* Bb Activities – "Bubble Art" – The last sentence in the directions for "Bubble Art" needs a little fixing. "Divided" should be "divide" and coloring is misspelled.
"Mix it all and divide{d} into different bowls or cups, and add food {colouring}."
Under "Extra Ideas," "Letters," "Letter of the Week Activities":
*(Ff) – The heading for "Ff Computer Activities" is in bold, except for the "Ff" part (for some reason that's in a non-bold font).
*(Gg) – Gg Activities – The link in this sentence gave me an error (I wasn't sure if this is because you're still working on the new navigation or not….just thought I'd mention it in case it was a different thing). – "Collect items for "My G Box" – Idea from My First Steps to Reading books"
*(Gg) Gg Books – "Goodnight Moon" – "Goodnight" should be one word.
*(Hh) Additional Hh Poster Ideas – "hand prints" should be one word in this bullet point: – "Finger paint to create {hand prints}."
*(Hh) – Several of the books listed are not underlined, but it looks like they are still hyperlinks (just looks a bit inconsistent, but a very, very minor detail): The Cat in the Hat, The Hat, Harold and the Purple Crayon, Green Eggs and Ham.
* Several letters had this listed as an activity: "Collect items for "My ___ Box" – Idea from My First Steps to Reading books." Not all letters had this listed….I wasn't sure if it should be???
*(Kk) – "Kk Computer Activities" is written partially in blue and partially in black. Also looks like some of it is in bold and some is not.
*(Ll) – "Ll Snacks and Foods" – This bullet point needs an "r" on the word "life save". "Licorice, lollipop, life-save{r}"
*(Mm) – "Mm Snacks and Foods" – Marshmallows is misspelled
*(Nn) – "Goodnight Moon": Goodnight should be one word
*(Pp) – "Pp Books" – "Poppleton in Winter" is in a different shade of blue font than the other books
I think the contest is over, but just found this. I'm starting to print things a week or so at a time, then (hopefully)get organized and everything together so that come August, it's all ready to go. On the weekly lesson plans for 2 yr program, I'm having trouble with the link to "ABCJLM Red Coloring Sheets". I get an "ERROR :500" message. I can scroll down to the section where you discuss color activities and print each one individually there. But the link to the group of pages at the top in the summary is not working. The same thing happens with week 2 blue and week 3 yellow. Also noticed that for week 1 and 2 at the bottom it says "Color one of the ABCJLM Red Coloring Sheets: Red Balloon, Red Heart, Red Leaf, Red Stop Sign, Red Truck, Red Wagon" each of those can be clicked on individually and it will print. But for week 3, even the "ABCJLM Red Coloring Sheets:" is blue for a link (like at the top) but it doesn't work. I prefer printing them individually anyway since that's easier to choose which one(s) I want to use. So maybe it's not supposed to be a link.
Wendy – Thank you so much for letting me know about this. That is definitely an error and happened when I was working on adding sub menus to the main menu. I am taking a week off for family time but will work on fixing that error next week. Thank you!
I believe these are fixed now. Thank you!
I too know that the contest is over, but just found something that I thought I would bring to your attention. Under the 5 Year Old Curriculum, in the sidebar menu under "Objectives", the 13th bullet point reads: • be introduces to coins, the clock, and addition And I believe it should be "be introduced…. ?? Hope that helps!