I once heard a mom say, “When my daughter is older I don’t want her to ___ but I know that when the time comes I will give in.”
I felt very sad for this mom. She already had decided that she would cave to her daughter’s wishes despite the fact that she knew it was not a good decision.
In reading an article in the Thriving Family magazine published by Focus on the Family, I thought back to that conversation. Did you know that 70% of kids over the age of seven have a TV in their bedrooms?
1. According to a study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, “Bedroom TV viewing is related to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and childhood obesity.”
6. Disrespect to adults and parents is okay and funny on almost every show, movie, and commercial.
7. Language and conversation topics are require the mute button.
Physical, spiritual, and emotional health are pretty big reasons to not have a TV in your child’s bedroom.
Don’t cave.
You and your spouse decide today to stand strong when the begging begins.
Read more…How Much Media Use is the Right Amount?