One of the things I struggle with this time of year is tying Thanksgiving with Christmas. It seems I focus a little on Thanksgiving and a lot on Christmas, but I fail to tie the two together.
I love the idea of Blessing Ornaments that Amy shared with me.
– fillable glass Christmas ornaments
– crayons, markers, or pens
– strips of paper
Throughout the Old Testament men built altars as a way to remember God’s blessings. For example, after coming out of the ark Noah “built an altar to the LORD and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it.” (Genesis 8:20)
While we don’t build physical altars because of the blood of Jesus, I think it is important to remember those times where God “kisses” your family with blessings. Much like the Tablecloth of Thanks, remembering the moments you can specifically see God’s hand at work in the timing or specifics of the situation.
Give each family member a small strip of paper. Using the scripture above, discuss and reflect on the key points of the year. Those times that God’s hand was especially evident in your situation. Then draw a picture or write about these moments you want to give thanks to God – the blessings you felt this year.
Place the pieces of paper inside the ornament to hang on your Christmas Tree. Write the year on the ornament and title “Blessings.” Every time you see the ornament remember to stop and give God thanks and remember how He is personally involved in your lives.
Continue this tradition creating a new Christmas ornament to add to the tree each year.