I realize it isn’t December yet. I understand that Thanksgiving hasn’t even past. But, I want to share this book with you because I want to give you ample amount of time to add this book to your home library.
Yes, it is that good.
Because I believe it is a great way to introduce the true meaning of Christmas, I want you to have The Sparkle Box: A Gift with the Power to Change Christmas by Jill Hardie to introduce the Christmas holiday. I also believe it will soon become a favorite tradition in your family.
It’s almost Christmas and Sam is so excited for the parties and presents—but there’s one mysterious gift, a sparkly box sitting on the mantel— that leaves him puzzled. In the midst of the festivities, Sam and his family participate in various acts of kindness for others. On Christmas morning when Sam opens the Sparkle Box, he finds slips of paper that record the family’s good deeds. Sam’s parents explain that these kind acts are a gift for Jesus—for Jesus said that whatever we do for the least of these, we do for Him.
It’s that great? Turning the focus from what we get to what we can give. And the giving isn’t to get praise from people but to give to Jesus.
“The Sparkle Box is our gift to Jesus on Christmas Day, His birthday.”
Also, I love how this concept – like the Thanksgiving Blessing Chain our family is doing for the month November – focuses on the positive. The activity encourages us to look for the good in each other instead of focusing on the negative.
Included in The Sparkle Box book is a sparkle box to use with your family. You could easily make a box using a shoebox or similar sized container decorated with glitter. This idea is similar to the Bed for Baby Jesus idea (adding hay to create a bed for Jesus) that I have shared in the past. Either idea would help your children see the importance of Christ in Christmas.
Author Jill Hardie suggests placing the box under the Christmas tree and throughout December write down special gifts you’ve given to Jesus. On Christmas morning open the box and read them together as a family. The suggestions given are helping the homeless, hungry, those sick, etc.
While all of these ideas are great, our family is going to focus more on our daily activities to others. How are we being Jesus’ hands and feet? How are we loving on each other and those outside our home? How are we reflecting Jesus’ image?
But there are many ways to use the Sparkle Box and Bed for Baby Jesus idea. I look forward to hearing yours.
Order The Sparkle Box today so that you can introduce the idea to your family. And enter our giveaway!
Enter to win a copy of The Sparkle Box for yourself or to give as a gift!
To help you win this book, I have set it up so that you may enter as many times as you want! All you have to do to enter is share, follow, like, or pin this blog or posts on this blog. Any sharing between now and Thanksgiving Day is eligible. (Past posts shared will not be considered for this giveaway.) Just leave a comment telling me your name, the name of the post and how you shared it (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.). Remember to leave a separate comment on this post (below) for each item shared.
I will choose and announce one random winner on this blog on Thursday, November 28th. (So, be sure to check back to see if you have won!) You will have until Wednesday night (11.27.13) at 11:59 p.m. (CST) to enter in this giveaway. You must live in the US to win.
How will your family use the Sparkle Box?
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