As a child, I remember saying, “Why do boys have it so easy?”. So many “things” they don’t have to deal with.
But as I have been married, I have seen the pressure, emotions, and responsibility that is unique to men. As the head of the home, men have a lot riding on their shoulders.
I found this list of prayers in the book Your Husband Your Friend and thought it was too good not to share!
Take a moment to write these down in your prayer journal, on a note card, or in your Bible. Place the list above your kitchen sink so that you remember to pray for your husband. Add this list to your quiet times as our husbands need us to bring him to the thrown of grace.
Pray for your husband:
- His daily walk with the Lord
- The right kind of friends and associates
- His ability to work in harmony with others
- Safety in his travels
- The ability to make good decisions
- The ability to set right priorities
- Contentment in his work
- Continuous work
- Integrity in the workplace
- Your marriage and your children
I encourage you to show your husband each point and ask him if there is something deeper to pray about or an additional area you can pray for.
A friend has a prayer journal that she keeps just for prayers for her husband. She leaves it out with the intent that her husband can read it at any time. How powerful to see specifically how someone is praying for you! Also, she has asked her husband to write down in the journal specific prayer request that he has. Sometimes, men don’t feel comfortable telling their wives what they need but by providing them with a place to write the needs down still accomplishes the goal.
Remember the 10 Tip for a Successful Marriage? If I could add an eleventh, it would be pray for each other. Not only does it communicate with God your desires, it will soften your heart to the man in your life.
we have been praying as we need a job change for over 6 years.
my heart was disturbed as the job was not according to God's will
I prayed this prayer only two days when the answer came to my husband.
this prayer is so powerful I would recommend this to all women who care for their husbands
the holy spirit works through this prayer
thank you.
I thank god for making a blessing in my life
love from all the way from india
Love hearing how God works! Thank you for sharing.