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After reading two articles, I realized that my goal of parenting was seriously missing the mark. Instead of raising good, moral children I should strive to raise children who you are broken.
{Yes, you read that correctly.} Read yesterday’s post “Why I Want My Children to be Broken” to understand why.
My goal of parenting is to raise children who are broken and realize they are in need a Savior. Children who understand that their God desires a personal relationship with them and is all that they need.
After coming to grips with my change in objectives, the questions of “Where do I start?” hit me like a sudden north wind.
During my contemplation, I posted the two articles to my personal Facebook page to gain insight from my friends and family. A children’s minister at our church (Beth) shared this on my wall.
We are wrestling with this as a team. … We want to equip parents to raise Godly kids not good kids.
Redirecting my objective from moral to broken. Beth used the phrase “good children to godly children.” Same thing, in my mind.
To which I added, “I ‘d love to hear what you came up with!”
I received the following wisdom.
There’s no formula, Heidi, but I hope that we will put some principles and strategies in place to help parents feel equipped to practice faith together. I truly believe that this is one of the main areas we have missed. This is an ongoing learning for all of this. It’s easy to want something for our kids that we don’t have ourselves.
And like that, I had my answer. Did you catch it?
First, even wonderful churches, like the one we attend, realize that the “good vs godly kids” battle is a struggle. Raising good kids is trendy. Raising godly kids is passé. Churches are struggling to know how to come alongside parents to see this objective to fruition. This is not an easy topic and no formula is available to put in place.
But notice what Beth said. “Helping parent feel equipped to practice faith together.“
This means growing in your relationship with God as a family! Together.
Further she says, “It’s easy to want something for our kids that we don’t have ourselves.”
We can not raise godly kids if we are not godly ourselves.
One more time.
We can not raise godly kids if we are not godly ourselves.
Oh, sweet friends, we’re not done. Let’s go deeper in these thoughts and tomorrow we will investigate “Godly vs. Good.”
So, what do you think of my objective? Do you agree with Beth’s thoughts? Leave a comment as I’d love to hear your opinion!
I agree with the importance of distinguishing between good vs godly. Anyone can raise good kids, Christian or non-Christian. In the end, what is truly important to instill in our children the importance of a relationship with God and knowing that we are all sinners in need of a Savior, Jesus Christ. Through that, the desire to be good is not merely to follow commands drilled into us, but to glorify and be pleasing to the One who created us and gave His Son for us.
Very well said. Thank you…
Thank you so much for sharing this vital information. I feel like my soul is being refreshened with God's knowledge.