Today is the big day! First day of our online book study of Tedd Tripp’s book Shepherding a Child’s Heart. I am super excited to see what God teaches each of us.
If you missed yesterday’s post, today will begin a discussion of the Preface and Introduction. Click over to the ABC Jesus Loves Me Facebook Group to join in!
But, what does that mean for the blog?
Since the discussion will take place on Facebook, I will continue to post informative and encouraging posts on this site. To coincide with the book study, many of the posts will center on the topic we are discussing. Things that God has shown me in the past or issues that I am currently struggling through. I also hope to answer your questions and expound further on points discussed.
As happy as I am about the approximately 100 mommas who have signed up to join our study, the enemy is ticked! The last thing he wants is for us to learn how to shepherd our children’s hearts! Because of this he is going to roaming to and fro throwing barriers and obstacles in each of our paths. These barriers may come as busyness, sickness, and tiredness. Some obstacles may be differences of opinions or being thrown off by little words. Anything to keep us from reading and listening to the Holy Spirit, and everything to create excuses.
Can I ask you right now to put on your armor so that you can stand strong? Realize that the enemy will attack anything good and I invite you to lean on each other so not to be moved.
In closing, I would ask that you join me for a prayer for dedication for our study.
Daddy…I have been looking forward to this day because I know this will be a day where You are going to show us a little more about Yourself and what it means to be a follower of Christ. Thank you that You pursue us. Thank you that You lead us through the tough job of parenting. You take us by the hand and help us “train up our children” in the way they should go. Lord, I invite You to the spots in our lives that we need to change. Please show us where we are being selfish and prideful in our parenting. God, I ask that you remove the barriers, obstacles, and excuses that will tempt each of us to give up and quit. We each come to this study with a willing heart and ask that You move in a big way. In Jesus’ name…