Am I doing enough to train my children to be responsible adults?
Do you have questions like this keeping you up at night, too?
Parenting is hard, confusing, and humbling. Which battles do I fight? Which do I let go?
A few weeks ago, I headed to Facebook to talk to parents who have gone through the trenches and lived to tell about it. I wanted to know what they are glad they held firm to, even when other parents didn’t.
And the comments flooded in. But instead of you having to read through all 100, I’ve condensed them.
Now before you begin, don’t let this list overwhelm you. Instead, pray and ask God to point out where you need to begin. Links are provided for further information.
Teaching Respect
- Speak to adults with respect even when disagreeing with them
- Stand up for beliefs respectfully and support your opinion
- Manners
Please, thank you, excuse me, yes ma’am, not interrupting - Putting others before self
Open doors for people, boys respecting girls, respecting others - Respect to others at a restaurant, church, or an event
Setting Boundaries - No walking around with food for meals or snacks.
- Child sleeping in his/her bed and staying in bed all night
- Establish a habit of healthy eating
Don’t create a picky eater and don’t be a short-order cook. Teach the child to be grateful for the food provided. - Validate a child’s feeling but have expectations for first-time obedience.
- Obey and then ask questions
- No whining or tantrums
“You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.” - Participating in Family Devotions and attending church
- Limit electronics
This includes TV, iPads, computers – even educational.Setting High Expectation
- Modest dress for sons and daughters.
- What you wear reflects your character.
- Patience
Whether waiting in line or for something to finish, the child learns to be patient and use kind words while waiting. - Sit quietly for an age-appropriate amount of time
- Truth between child and adult
The child is expected to be honest with the adult, and the adult should be honest with the child while not providing more details than the child’s maturity can handle.Teaching Responsibility
- Teaching responsibility for taking care of the child’s things
- Respecting what God has given them. Being responsible to keep up with shoes and clothes.
- Remove Materialism and Entitlement Attitude (Chores and Household Responsibility)
- Child cleans up after himself. Wise use of money and budgeting.
- Take Initiative
See work that needs to be done around you and jumping in - Develop a love for God’s Word and daily spending time with Him
Isn’t this a fantastic list! Remember, this list isn’t provided to overwhelm you but encourage you in your parenting walk. Pray and ask God to point out where you need to begin. Choose one and begin.