Eleven years ago our family had a need. To my great surprise, God took this need and turned it into a world-wide ministry.
But I realize that many of you don’t know the background of this “need” or the many levels of support our ministry provides. Today I share in hopes that you will utilize all that we offer and join us in praying for the next steps God has for us.

Our Story…
14 years ago my husband and I welcomed a beautiful baby boy to our family. Quickly the excitement evolved to fears as he was taken from our arms and rushed to another hospital. We spent the next month at the children’s hospital as Bubs experienced open heart surgery and fought back all that was involved. Then we were released and told to “treat him like a normal child.”
But within a few months we realized that we weren’t dealing with normal behavior. This led us to speech and occupational therapies three times a week. While the therapists were trying to catch him up developmentally, I knew that I held the responsibility to prepare my son for kindergarten.
I scoured the internet in search of a curriculum to guide our time. But, what I found didn’t match my need.
So I began developing my own Lesson Plans where the learning was applicable, it was incorporated into daily activities, and included time for review.
I knew that I wasn’t the only mom looking for a simple curriculum. Along with my husband’s nudging, I felt led to make the curriculum available to others. Thus began the creation of the ABCJesusLovesMe website.

ABCJesusLovesMe Curriculum
ABCJesusLovesMe.com is a website that provides free and purchasable materials to help adults be intentional with the children in their lives.
To empower families, we provide for FREE on the website the basic curriculumfor ages 1-5 years.
We also offer the complete Early Childhood Curriculum (1-5 Year Curricula) to order in printed books for families, churches, preschools, and businesses.
Also Available:
- Old Testament Curriculum especially for Sunday Schools
- Be Intentional Planner – January to December planner (Available in October)
- Unit Studies and Digital Downloads

Encouragement to Impress
But I realized that the curriculum wasn’t enough. I desired to encourage parents, grandparents and teachers in the vital role they have in raising little ones.
Our Out-of-Sync Life
The “Our Out-of-Sync Life” blog was started to come alongside adults, especially those who have challenging children. Many posts have been written concerning the topics of spirited children, Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD, Autism, and discipline. In these posts I share my low points and fears, as well as our successes and tips – all trying to encourage you in the tough job of Mommyhood.
Also included in these weekly posts are ideas on teaching children, growing spiritually, marriage, and home management tips. Subscribe so you don’t miss a post! Plus there are several pretty cool freebies as a thank-you for subscribing!
ABCJLM Newsletter
This weekly newsletter shares handy tips, practical tools, and fun ideas to help you be intentional with the little ones in your life. Also receive updates on the curricula and website. Subscribe here.
Facebook Groups
We were never meant to travel life alone. Facebook is one avenue that parents, grandparents, and teachers can join together with the goal of finding answer, ideas, and encouragement. ABCJesusLovesMe can be found on Facebook in a plethora of ways.

Parent and Teacher Events
Getting a chance to meet with you face-to-face, share my story, and encourage you is my favorite part of the ABCJLM ministry. At these events I share practical tools to parent, teach, and grow spiritually, and then assist you in creating a plan to use the tools in your home or classroom.
We have two events scheduled for the rest of 2018 and I am booking events for 2019.
Register Now:

Need to Ministry
God took a need in our family and I pray He has turned it into a source of encouragement and empowering for you.
Another way that we encourage and empower the ABCJLM family is by sharing quality products. A generous couple has offered to give away three copies of a Love and Logic Parenting Book: Early Childhood, Parenting with Love and Logic or Parenting Teens ($18 value).
To enter this giveaway, click on the rectangular image below. This giveaway on the Our Out-of-Sync Facebook Page will end on Monday September 17th @ 12:00 p.m (CST). Three winners will be announced September 18th on this blog so be sure to come back and see if you have won!

Or click – Facebook.com/OurOutofSyncLife/ One entry per household, US residence only. Click to read our Giveaway Rules.
While this couple has asked to remain anonymous, I want to humbly thank them for this incredible donation.