The above image is filled with so much “good.” A little girl learning with bubbles. Priceless.
She is learning about gravity. She is learning about size. She is learning about breath control. She is learning about cause and effect. She is strengthening her fine motor skills as she holds the bubbles and wand. She is seeing the beauty of God’s creation through her innocent eyes.
She isn’t hurrying to get on to the next best thing. She isn’t rushing to grow up. She is loving the sunshine and enjoying being a little girl with no responsibilities.
Several years ago Kristi shared the following wisdom on the “Before You Start” blog post.
As an early childhood consultant, I see a lot of parents who become frustrated that their 2-year-old doesn’t know all of the letters, their 3-year-old can’t count to 100, their 4-year-old can’t read…but friends, these are not age-appropriate goals.
Just because a lot of kids can do these things doesn’t mean they should.
… Preschool kids, above all else, need to move, experience, talk, and play. If you can incorporate letters, shapes, etc. into movement and sensory experiences, all right. But please, don’t feel as though you need to start the “drill and kill” at this age.

The following poem says it well.
Just Playing
Original Author Unknown
When I’m building in the block room,
Please don’t say I’m “Just playing.”
For, you see, I’m learning as I play,
About balance, I may be an architect someday.
When I’m getting all dressed up,
Setting the table, caring for the babies,
Don’t get the idea I’m “Just Playing.”
I may be a mother or a father someday.
When you see me up to my elbows in paint,
Or standing at an easel, or molding and shaping clay,
Please don’t let me hear you say, “He is Just Playing.”
For, you see, I’m learning as I play.
I just might be a teacher someday.
When you see me engrossed in a puzzle or some “playing” at my school,
Please don’t feel the time is wasted in “play.”
For you see, I’m learning as I play.
I’m learning to solve problems and concentrate.
I may be in business someday.
When you see me cooking or tasting foods,
Please don’t think that because I enjoy it, it is “Just Play.”
I’m learning to follow directions and see the differences.
I may be a cook someday.
When you see me learning to skip, hop, run, and move my body,
Please don’t say I’m “Just Playing.”
For, you see, I’m learning as I play.
I’m learning how my body works.
I may be a doctor, nurse, or athlete someday.
When you ask me what I’ve done at school today,
And I say, “I just played.”
Please don’t misunderstand me.
For, you see, I’m learning as I play.
I’m learning to enjoy and be successful in my work.
I’m preparing for tomorrow.
Today, I am a child and my work is play.
And this is the essence of the ABCJesusLovesMe Preschool Curriculum. “Intentional Learning Through Play” is our motto and all activities center around this theme.
Because, they are only little once.

Giveaway Winner
Thank you to all who entered to win the Love is Kind book shared in last week’s post. Out of 139 entries, the randomly chosen winner is:
Entry #27 – Gail H (email gailehedr…@)
Gail, please contact me within 48 hours using the winning email address. Thank you to everyone who entered and thank you to author Laura Sassi and Zonderkidz for providing this giveaway.
And if you didn’t win, you can find this precious book on Amazon. It is perfect for character education and when using the 4 Year Curriculum.
Thank you to Laura for the opportunity to share her book and for the review copy. Personal review is solely my opinion.