When my four children were young we were inundated with quality books. We enjoyed such titles as Llama, Llama Red Pajama and Waiting is Not Easy which taught character education in a fun way. See a List of 200+ Quality Picture Books
But now that they are beyond picture books, it has been a challenge to find books that match our biblical foundation and encourage spiritual growth. I am very thankful for publishers like Tommy Nelson and ZonderKidz who are working to bridge that gap.
Today I want to share a few books that Sweet Pea has enjoyed during her elementary and pre-teen years.

Sadie Robertson
No matter your opinion of the Duck Dynasty, Sweet Pea has loved the Sadie Robertson books and devos. I have loved the wisdom that Sadie has passed down to young girls.

Brave Beauty
Sweet Pea and I love the Brave Beauty devo so much that we have given it as gifts. Answering questions of “What’s Ahead? Where Do I Fit In? What am I Good at?,” this devo helps a young girl discover what God has to say about each topic.

I am Brave is a new book under the Brave Girls label. A combination of a journal and devo, the biblical-based truth will help a girl understand what it really means to be brave. I look forward to walking through this book with Sweet Pea. Enter to win a free copy of I am Brave here.
With Christmas just around the corner, I invite you to check out these titles for the elementary and pre-teen girls in your life!

I’ve been using the small Be Intentional Planner for 2 years now, and just now purchased the large planner for the first time. I’m really excited being able to keep my life straight with your Be Intentional Planner! Thank you for making such quality products affordable!! –Melissa
Thank you to Tommy Nelson and FrontGateMedia for allowing me to preview this book in exchange for an honest review.