Last year I saw on multiple social media outlets the idea to place hearts on your child’s door from February 1st to Valentine’s Day. On each heart was written a note or phrase of encouragement and affirmation.
Unfortunately I learned about it too late. This year I want to make sure that I am ready. And I want to invite you to join me!

Uniqueness and Spiritual Gifts
If you have more than one child, you know that every child is unique. God created each one with special gifts and a personality all their own.
For you created my inmost being;
Psalm 139:14-15 NIV
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
An important parenting task is helping children see their uniqueness and discover the spiritual gifts God has given them.
Here are some examples in our home. Peanut has the gift of exhortation. He would encourage a rock to roll over if he felt it important. Sweet Pea has the gift of administration. At a young age, she organized her imaginary students for school time. As I see them display their unique gifts I encourage my children to further use their giftings.
Spiritual Truth
A second parenting responsibility is to fill our children’s minds with spiritual truths. Impressing into them God’s character and who they are in Christ.
For example, Bubs can come to God no matter what he has done and know he is forgiven. In Christ, Little Man has strength because “the Lord gives strength to his people” (Psalm 29:11a).

Valentine Affirmation Heart Activity
Prior to Valentine’s Day, I invite you to join me in placing hearts on our child’s doors to affirm their uniqueness and gifts, and to share spiritual truths. What a surprise it will be to discover the first heart!
Unsure what to write on each heart? Grab the Valentine Affirmation printable for example hearts to print. The PDF also includes blank hearts to write your own affirmations.
Tips: It will mean the most to your child if the heart is written in your handwriting. Think about unique attributes your child brings to your family. Don’t forget to take a photo on Valentine’s Day so that your child can remember those attributes unique to her as well. And most importantly, don’t include attributes that don’t apply to your child. Children know who they are and seeing attributes being used to describe them that don’t fit will cause confusion and could make them doubt the truth of the ones that they do exhibit.
Get Your Free Valentine’s Day Printable
Go, right now, grab the Valentine Affirmation printable to prepare for February 1st!
Then head over to the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook Page to receive daily ideas and encouragement as we spend the next group of days together affirming who are children are in Christ!
Next Week’s Blog Post: Discover a Fun Idea for Heart #14!