Are you enjoying the Valentine Affirmation Activity? I love seeing the ideas and images so many are sharing on social media. I know that God is using this activity to speak truth into many children’s lives. If you haven’t started yet, no problem. Click on the link above to learn more.
The Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt is another fun idea to help your children understand God’s love for us.

Valentine’s Day Heart Hunt
Several years ago Amy at TraurigsInTraining shared this idea with me.
Every year my parents helped me welcome in Valentine’s Day with a note and a treat on the kitchen table. The note included a riddle that would lead me to another heart hiding somewhere in the house. While the riddles were fun and silly, the final treat of the Heart Hunt tied the event back to God’s love.
Using Amy’s basic idea, I created a scavenger hunt to lead children to the best treat of all – God’s Word.

Preparing for the Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt
If you are unfamiliar with a scavenger hunt, a player follows a set of clues to find a “treasure.” Each hidden clue leads the player to the next clue which eventually leads the person to a prize. The hunt can be done alone, by taking turns, or as a group activity.
Grab the FREE Valentine’s Day Heart Hunt printable.
Cut out the hearts. Because not all hearts are required, choose the number of hearts to include in the hunt based on the ages and number of children participating.

Hiding the Hearts
Except for Heart #1, hide each heart based on the next clue. For example: Hide Heart #2 in the child’s bed by his/her pillow. The answer to the clue is “Daddy’s shoes.” Hide Heart #3 in Daddy’s shoes. The PDF contains a guide to help with this process.
When ready, give Heart #1 to the child or lay it where the child will see it. If you are doing the Valentine Affirmation Activity, on Day 14 place the heart for the child to discover with the other daily hearts you have given (e.g. tape to the door, place in a mini Valentine mailbox).
One option is to include a treat with the final heart. Because the treasure is God’s Word, this is a wonderful time to give the child a new Bible!
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Thank you to Amy Traurigs for allowing me to adapt her clues and idea. Thank you to Bonnie for help on the final clue.