Easter can be a pretty confusing holiday for preschoolers. I praise God that tools like the Easter Activity Workbook are available to help little ones understand what Jesus did out of love for us.
One other tool that was very popular when my kiddos were young are the Resurrection Eggs.

What are Resurrection Eggs?
The idea behind Resurrection Eggs is that the items (symbols or trinkets) in the eggs help tell the story of Jesus’ last days on earth, His death, and His resurrection. The activity can be used as a countdown to Easter or as a stand alone activity to do all in one sitting.
Each numbered egg contains a scripture verse (rolled up scroll style) and a corresponding trinket or symbol that relates to that part of the story. When the egg is found, the child is read the verse or Bible story and the symbol is explained. The final egg is empty as the tomb was empty.
Most Resurrection Egg kits contain 12 eggs, but you may include as many as desired. You will find that purchased sets and instructions to make your own vary in their order and contents but the basic concept is the same.

Resurrection Eggs Supplies
With the Resurrection Eggs Printables, it is simple to make your own Resurrection Eggs specifically for preschool or elementary-aged children.
- Preschool or Elementary Resurrection Eggs Printable
- Symbols or Trinkets (Noted in the Printable)
- 12 or 20 Plastic Eggs
- Scissors
- Marker
- The Beginner’s Bible (Preschool)
- Bible
Resurrection Eggs Directions
Depending on the age of your child, choose the Resurrection printable. Gather the plastic eggs and symbols or trinkets. Do not worry if you are unable to find the exact item. Instead substitute with what you have available as all of the items merely represent a part of the story. For example, if you don’t have linen, use toilet paper. If you don’t have a palm branch, use a leaf.
Cut apart the pieces of paper on the final page of the printable. Roll each up as a scroll and place the corresponding slip of paper and trinket in an egg. Then write the number on the outside of the egg.
For example. Egg #1 – Place a toy, sticker, or drawn donkey or craft fur in the egg with the following slip of paper.
Preschool – Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem. Mark 11:1-7
Elementary – “The disciples brought the donkey and placed their cloaks on it for Jesus to sit on. Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem.” Matthew 21:6-7
Hide the egg. When the child has found the egg, discuss the trinket and what symbol it represents in the Easter story. Read the coordinating Bible story or verses from a children’s or adult Bible.

Why the Two Different Printables?
Reading in an adult Bible the Easter story provides details that may be too graphic for some young or sensitive children. Using The Beginner’s Bible as the guide, I created 12 eggs that are easier for young children to understand and also skip the graphic details (e.g. thorns, sword).
A few years ago, Bonnie shared with me the ideas behind 20 Resurrection Eggs. These are perfect for elementary-aged children as they provide more details to aid in understand the magnitude of the Passion Week. Use the elementary printable for older children or those who are more familiar with the Easter story.
Explaining the Resurrection Eggs
You may be intimated if you have never done an activity like this with your children. And that is okay. There are several resources that will guide you through the process.
Lily’s Easter Party: The Story of the Resurrection Eggs
Crystal Bowman wrote a book to explain the Resurrection Eggs. Lily’s Easter Party: The Story of the Resurrection Eggs is a story about an Easter egg hunt between Lily and her friends. Upon opening each of the eggs, the symbolism of the item inside is explained. With 37 pages, this is a long picture book. The first third of the books sets up the hunt and the rest explains each symbol found in the eggs. While my elementary aged children enjoyed this book, I would break it into small parts for preschoolers.
Miss Patty Cake’s Egg-Strava-Ganza
In this music-packed DVD, Miss Patty Cake discusses the Resurrection Eggs with children. Enjoy fast-paced songs with the truth of the Gospel.
ABCJesusLovesMe Resurrection and Easter Egg Activities
Discover more ideas on the ABCJesusLovesMe website.
Enter to win the DVD and Activity Workbook in a fantastic Miss PattyCake giveaway!
Click the rectangular image or link below to enter to win the Miss PattyCake’s Easter Bundle ($20.99 value). This is a giveaway that will end on Monday, March 22nd @ 11:00 a.m (CST). Don’t wait to enter! The winner will be announced on this blog, so be sure to come back and see if you have won!
Or click – www.ABCJesusLovesMe.com/enter/
One entry per household, US residents only. Click to read our Giveaway Rules.

Thank you to Miss Pattycake for providing this giveaway.